When A Pillar Is Crumbling There's Nothing To Do But Let It Fall - ReiSavior - 鬼滅の刃 (2024)

It was merely a few hours after the deal had been made. Shi had always been known for his selflessness, but this was ridiculous. Being brought into the wide open space of the Infinity Fortress, Shi was guided to his knees on the mat in the middle of the room by some demons, his eyes somewhat dull while he stared to the floor the demons leaving. He was doing this to keep everyone safe, at least that's what he kept telling himself despite his breath constantly reeking of alcohol after blaming himself for things that weren't his fault from the past.

"I'm disappointed that you gave in so quickly, Shi," Muzan commented with a grin, standing far above the hashira with the sound of a biwa going off, the demon appearing behind Shi. He slid his hand across the humans’ shoulder while walking behind him, the silence growing and becoming more than fitting for the hashiras shameful action. Shi had to resist flinching when feeling Muzan's hand in his hair gripping tightly, painfully so to where Shi’s hands had instinctively raised which he immediately lowered back down. It made Muzan grin sad*stically.

"I've always admired this hair of yours and how your family always takes such care to keep it long in honor of your ancestors," Muzan states with feigned interest, letting his grip go in favor or running his fingers through the long brown hair. Shortly after he was taking in a fist full of it once more forcing Shi to their hands and knees, the human's face nearly touching the floor. A sad*stic chuckle came from the demon upon hearing the small shocked noise Shi had made when forced down. It got him riled up. Muzan slowly took a knee behind them so he could lean close to the Hashira, right into their ear.

"I've always wanted to see you with short hair Shi~ how do you think it will look?" He questions quietly to the other a dark laugh erupting from him when the humans’ breath picked up, panic, Muzan likes that.

"Hmm, perhaps we can just try and see. It's not like hair doesn't grow back after all," he mentions with a hum letting Shi's hair fall from his hand while leaning back up to his feet. Turning around he took his time walking to his desk. This was when Shi finally realized they had changed rooms yet again and the two were now within Muzan’s office. It got Shi's nerves up even more and despite taunting the human with his back to them Muzan was pleasantly surprised to see Shi had stayed put not fighting just like promised. Not even the newly messy hair was touched, rather their hands are firmly balled up on their thighs.

"Such discipline, I wonder how long that will last,” he questions in a playful tone grabbing a handful of the brown hair once more, but this time with the intention of cutting it. The scissors coming closer was what made Shi finally act, swinging around to shove him away, but they were stopped immediately and slapped harshly across the face in reprimand. It seemed to have only annoyed Muzan. He wondered why this damn human cares so much about hair.

"It's pathetic how attached you are to something so simple," he seethes out, taking no effort with chopping Shi's hair up to the shoulders in a messy fashion listening to the quiet pleas and small struggles to try to stop him. He ignored the noises and movements, but was soon taken aback when hearing small sobs fill the air the more cut hair fell to the floor. He was thankful the human was not facing him because if his shocked expression were to have been seen he might have had to kill them. So ruffling his hand through the chopped hair his eyebrows furrow while he evened it out so it wasn't so awful lifting the other's chin to examine how he did. After trimming a bit more he leaned back rather proudly tilting the crying humans' face side to side while moving the hair around leaving two long side bangs and making sure there were no loose hairs out of place. The poor thing couldn't even ugly sob they were so trained with dignity and it just made him want to break them.

"Phew there was so much of it I thought I'd never finish," he finally says in a joking manner brushing Shi's shaking shoulders clear of hair. He had expected a bigger fight from the other, humans always fought back even after that, so why had the slap been so effective in stopping this one's struggles? In the end he wasn't sure if he liked the red hand mark slowly appearing on the sun kissed skin resisting the urge to reach down and soothe it.

"Though, I can't help but be proud of you, Shi," he says, placing both hands on the Hashira's shoulders, giving them a light squeeze and small shake to get their attention. He couldn't begin to understand why his chest ached seeing the pitiful look, but he moved his hands slowly upward. He couldn't help wrapping them oh so lightly around Shi’s throat and felt the way it swallowed around his touch the thrum of a fearful heartbeat going through his thumbs. He could kill them right here if he wanted and they weren't even lifting hands to struggle. Though that wasn't his plan so he continued the movement, smoothing his hands upward along the other's jaw. He pulled his hands away completely just to raise them so he could wipe away the tears that keep falling. He even went so far as to coo at them.

"Come now~ doesn't your head feel so much lighter now?" He asks, chuckling quietly and finallytheir tears began to stop the small hiccups and other choked noises calming as well.

"You really shouldn't be so sad, it will grow back eventually, even if it's just for me to cut again because you look cute like this," he adds, becoming annoyed? -He would rather call it that then hurt- by Shi’s still lingering sadness heading to the door of the room.

"Take a minute to calm down, won't you?" Muzan mentions, making his tone a bit harsh because he’s being too kind What was wrong with him right now?

Shi shook silently, staring at his lap, around at the hair that he had been growing since he lost his mom. Eventually he was able to move, carefully gathering what he could of the hair in his numb hands not being able to stand looking at it. He needed to clean up his mess. Carefully he was shifting to his feet so he could throw the hair away but didn't realize just how disoriented he was from crying and stumbled to the floor with a yelp, the hair becoming scattered everywhere.

"sh*t," Shi whispered to himself, unable to hold the dam from spilling anymore trying to pick up the mess he made once again.

"sh*t, sh*t, sh*t, sh*t," he swears, his breathing becoming shallower with each clump picked up until his eyes became cloudy from all the tears that fell.

"Shiiiiit," Shi finally broke, sobbing and moving to his hands and knees. His heart was undeniably breaking more and more the longer he tried cleaning the mess up, but it was his mess so it had to be done.

Once he had picked up most of the hair on the floor just barely calming himself to where he wasn't crying anymore the door opened catching him off guard and making him visibly jump with a startled shout. He was quick to turn around with an increased heartbeat promptly looking to the ground when realizing who had walked in, -I mean who else could it be? Definitely not any knight in shining armor- he thought bitterly, turning back to his mess and refused eye contact with Muzan fresh tears still staining his cheeks.

"You're actually still crying? I didn't think the hair would really be that important to you," Muzan states, his confusion sounding genuine.

Shi whimpered loudly when the others' shoes came into his view, tensing up in expectation of his hair being pulled at again. However when that didn't happen he lifted his head right into the demons waiting hold- what?

Muzan grimaced when finally catching Shi’s face in his hold; he hadn't wanted to force them up since it would probably just make them cry worse. So now that his hand is on the wet cheek he placed the other one under their chin lifting it ever so slightly to examine their face. Tears were threatening to fall again. He's more than intrigued now.

"Tell me, was your hair really that important to you? Or maybe you just feel like a failure all over again?" He asks rather softly, rubbing his thumb over a soaked eye, finding himself smirking this time when the human looks away rather than answering. Their cheeks were blooming red from shame. He gave a small squeeze to the cheek he cupped, giving it a little wiggle, they're just a perfect amount of chubbiness. Muzan chuckles, moving both of his hands from Shi’s face after patting the cheek raising back to his feet. He couldn't help but chuckle when Shi made a displeased noise followed by giving him a confused look. The rich brown eyes staring up at him, the way their lips slightly parted, he's going to enjoythis.

"Did you think I was going to leave you here all night? No, I have plans for you," he mentions in a low voice watching Shi tense, he swears their cheeks got redder.

"Up, on your feet," he commands before impatiently grabbing Shi by the arm, lifting them carelessly to their feet when they took just a little too long. He chuckled when they nearly stumbled, the confusion fully apparent on their face now.

"That look suits you Shi, I can't wait to see what other things I can bring out of you~," Muzan whispers into Shi’s ear with a low seductive tone chuckling darker this time when he feels a shiver go through them. Soon he guided the other to the door, opening it and crossing his arms waiting for the human to step out first.

"Oh and do not think about escaping. I have a helper that can change your location at any given moment. Meaning you will never find your way out, but, I'm sure you remember what would happen if you tried to leave anyways," he says, watching Shi step out the door hesitantly. Muzan took a few steps ahead once they left the room shutting and locking the door and started walking down the hall making sure he was being followed.

Shi was in his own mind just numbly following along like a lost puppy wiping his eyes on his Haori and rubbing his previously slapped cheek. He was glad the other did not take a fast pace because he would not have been able to keep up. Speaking of keeping up. Shi faintly heard the strum of a Biwa and suddenly his feet weren't on the floor for a few seconds. Caught off guard by the shift below them, Shi didn't land flat footed, no, he tripped and fell groaning when landing with a thud. He swore he felt something pop. With a grumble of pain he looked up to the air when another strum went off, surroundings changing once more. So now he refused to stand until Muzan assured him the floor wasn't going to shift again, carefully standing and refusing Muzan's help with an embarrassed glare not even thinking when swatting the demon's hands away. His infamous lack of fear in the works.

Shi looked at Muzan when he was guided to the door at the end of the hall, not quite realizing when his emotions slowly shifted to anger. They were being humiliated yes, but why was this demon being nice. The gentle touches- he cursed himself for being aroused with physical contact because it had stirred something deep in his guts. He decided to stay put when Muzan opened the door giving a new look of defiance. He crossed his arms and wanted to test some boundaries with this rush of adrenaline coming from the anger. Muzan wasn't amused in the least.

The lackluster attempt at a late game rebellion got Muzan a bit irritated. -What was this human suddenly needing to prove? That he's a stubborn hellion or something?- Muzan thinks an eyebrow raised. He snapped his fingers lightly in Shi’s direction, finger pointing inside with a dangerous look which broke the human from their defiance easily. He watched with glee as Shi scurried a few steps into the room with a skeptical look. Muzan had to admit that he’s fascinated at the sudden change. He figured a defense mechanism at the very least. It made him want to see how much he can break them.Coming up behind the human he cards his fingers up through the back of their hair laughing when they jump forward away from him a look of fear taking their expression so quickly.

Shi jumped forward then promptly froze up, his heart pounding heavily in his chest while he peered back at Muzan trying to give the demon another glare but he swears his heart actually stopped for a second, his ankle hurting when landing on his feet. After giving Muzan a weak sneer he looked around the tidy bedroom walking further inside things ever so slowly clicking when he heard a dark laugh from Muzan followed by the sound of the door shutting and locking. This is Muzan's room.

"So do you finally understand what you signed up for?" Muzan deviously asks, closing the distance between them easily and trapped the human with his arms around their waist burrowing his face into their neck from behind. He took a deep breath letting out a soft groan while exhaling.

"For someone who's not of Marechi blood yours is quite tantalizing," he whispers, sliding a hand past the others haori upward so he's rubbing his hand on Shi's clothed chest. Very quickly he was fiddling with the buttons of the uniform smirking when feeling the other swatting at his hand taking the wrist in a more than bruising grip. He breathed out low and deep against Shi’s neck, fangs bared and nearly grazed the skin when he tugged them impossibly closer, trapping them against him.

"Ooo, are you sensitive? Or is the disgust of having to submit to a demon starting to get to you?" He questions sad*stically while finally just popping the buttons off Shi's uniform unceremoniously. -It wasn't like they'd be putting those back on anyways something easier to get into would be found-. He took notice of each and every movement the human made watching as each button flew across the room in some forgotten corner rubbing his free hand up and down Shi’s side now.

"I wonder, what did you think was going through my mind when you said you'd do anything for me?" Muzan whispers once again into their ear now shifting his hand into the opened shirts pinching a sensitive nipple when he finds it.

Shi gasped loudly at the pinch and tried to pull Muzan's hand from their shirt once more, face bright red and heart beating fast not noticing the sudden bruising grip on their hip. "Definitely not this," they blurt out brazenly. It amused Muzan who easily ignored the attempts to remove him, rolling Shi's nipple between his thumb and index finger smirk appearing big when the Hashira shivered and let out an involuntary moan.

"There's your voice~," he says playfully, soon pulling his hand free from Shi’s shirt, giving them a light shove towards the more modern bed. He always preferred them over the traditional beds.

Shi stumbled feeling a mixture of arousal and embarrassment now tripping, falling and barely catching himself on the rather tall bed letting out shaky breaths. He was unable to recover quickly enough before Muzan was crawling up behind him pushing his upper body against the bed right between his shoulder blades. It made him moan again when his face was pushed into a fluffy pillow and they can almost imagine it's one of his lovers doing this to him, allowing his dick to jump in his pants. It hardened further when Muzan laid himself over the Hashira already grinding into his clothed ass. Shi swore when getting even harder fangs against their shoulder making them remember this is a demon. One final final attempt to squirm free got Muzan harderand they still below him the damage already done.

"You're already squirming and I haven't put anything in you yet~" Muzan teases relishing in the flustered glare that Shi gave him. “Are you that much of a slu*t?” He asked, carding his hand into their hair when hearing a muffled complaint. He tugged their head up by that handful of hair venom in his words “What was that?” He asks, watching Shi go silent with a small look of fear on their face.

After that moment Shi couldn't help but let his mind wander. It needed to be anywhere but here and the building pleasure he was feeling from that threatening tone. Sadly it inconveniently wandered to how his partners could potentially react when hearing of what he was about to have happen to him by their worst enemy. The idiots would coddle him and it made him laugh. He was swiftly dragged from these thoughts feeling a harsh slap to his ass.

"What are you laughing about down there?" Muzan questions sliding his hands into the others shirt slowly removing the hair and uniform too dropping them to the floor making Shi shiver and whimper quietly. They're still fearful.

"How Uzui and Sanemi would coddle me like a broken toy when they hear about this," Shi mumbles shyly, making a surprised noise when Muzan grips his hair, guiding him up with their other hand to his throat the two making eye contact. He finally realized that Muzan had stopped grinding on him and his undershirt is still on. They had tried to say something to him.

"Well if you had been paying attention.I am giving you a choice to object to this with how much you're defying me, however you are expected to warm up to it as it's the reason I accepted your offer, if not I'll go for your weak spot I feel Ash would make a fine demon," Muzan says, voice smug while he leaned down and kissed Shi's forehead laughing at the fire lighting in their eyes.

“You wouldn't dare-” Shi hisses out Muzan’s smirk turning sad*stic. He is serious.

"I never promised to be a demon of my word, Shi, but I am also not an animal as well, this is a two way street after all. You give me what I want and I'll leave your precious baby brother alone," he mentions letting go of Shi's hair still holding them up by the neck voice now filled with mischief. "Just know if you refuse now you will not get any help from anyone nor toys you will have to use your own hands to satisfy yourself~, and that group of slayers will be slaughtered" he whispers into Shi's ear, finally shifting back from the human leaning over to find his massage oil from the nightstand giving them a chance to process that they're being given a choice with very real consequences upon refusal. He was sure his demons already slaughtered that little group though after all he promised that he wouldn't touch them, nothing said his mindless little servants couldn't.

It took a few minutes of contemplation, Shi taking his time to process what Muzan said unintentionally testing the demon's patience again. He jumped when Muzan rubbed a hand up his spine under the white top instinctively crawling further up the mattress unsure if they're trying to escape the other anymore rolling over onto his back. He needed eye contact for this and was more than surprised that Muzan let him move, letting him rest his back against the headboard.

Afterwards he was in a staring match with Muzan who was grinning sharp canines flashing. Shi isn't sure exactly how much time passed while he was considering his options, thinking and trying to reason, he didn't believe Muzan at all now considering the demon was stalking closer to him on the bed. He was being given the illusion of choice.

"You're serious if I refuse? You'll back off and let me take care of myself?" Shi asks skeptically, finally breaking the staring contest to look down at his own body confirming that he indeed is hard, painfully sohis face erupting into a deeper red if that was even possible.

"Cross my heart~," Muzan says simply now at the other's feet like a predator waiting for Shi to finish contemplating things before jumping him.

"You won't ever force it on me?" Shi asks slowly, hesitantly moving to sit on his knees feeling less tense if only a little.

"That's correct, but it won't stop me from prompting when I'm in the mood," Muzan says deviously, but for once was the one caught off guard when Shi started moving towards him with a contemplative look.

"And, if I want something? I have two male partners and by extension three females, it takes a lot of work of keep me satisfied when I'm in the mood. Shi says in a sultry manner, clearly throwing his own challenge to the demon. Muzan could only chuckle and sit back grabbing Shi's waist to tug him closer.

"As long as you don't interrupt my work you'll have a fun time whenever you'd like~," Muzan cooes, rubbing his hands up Shi's sides unbuttoning the rest of the white top letting it fall to the floor after sliding it so gently from their shoulders. He was amazed how pink Shi’s nipples are against the tanned skin leaning forward and flattening his tongue, licking up one of them before nipping rolling the hardening bud between his dull teeth, feeling Shi jump under the ministrations.

“HEY! Don't eat me!” Shi shouts -more like scolds- the demon who could only burst into a fit of laughter against their chest rolling the nipple dangerously close to a fang looking up at Shi. He cackled when his face was being pushed away by his forehead the blush was traveling down the humans neck and chest and it looked beautiful.

He gently pushes Shi back, guiding them to lay down on their back. “Mmm I couldn't help myself, your skin is surprisingly soft, it tastes delectable,” he exclaims, teasingly slowly unbuckling the others belt, slipping it out in one smooth motion. He looked at it then at Shi and it seemed that they knew what went through his head because they're offering their wrists and have such a beautiful look of lustful shame. He wasted no time in carefully maneuvering the belt around their wrists, tightening it firmly and watched as they tested the work. He could see the moment Shi started going into a submissive state as they stared at their bound wrists. Shi sunk down into the bed raising their hands above their head and Muzan continued his work of removing their pants pulling them down oh so slowly at the was taken aback at the lack of undergarments the hashira has hardened dick bobbing up immediately upon freedom. Shi let out a small hiss and squirmed at the cold air of the room gasping as equally cold hands touched his thighs spreading them apart after discarding the pants.

Shi didn't know if he should hide his face or not. The way the demon looked at him was like a five course meal. It reminded him of Uzui’s hungry stare. When noticing this stare Muzan raised a brow shifting back he noticed the way they were still just a little uneasy like they weren't used to this position or at least didn't want it with him. -he will eventually- Muzan thinks to himself with a grin. It would just take time that he's willing to put in for such a pretty bird he's managed to cage.

"You know you don't have to be on your back, I'll gladly take you on your hands and knees, if that's what this beautiful songbird likes~" Muzan mentions, cackling when Shi rolled so quickly onto his stomach raising to his knees and elbows hands clasped together like a desperate prayer.

"Mmm or maybe they have a mirror? You look like the type to get off on how wrecked you get," Muzan taunts actually laughing when Shi looked back at him more flustered than ever. They didn't think they were *that* easy of a read even if they are slu*tty when coerced into the mood. So they deflect.

"I'm getting laid by the enemy I have a right to hide-," Shi shamelessly huffs out at Muzan but despite being apparently so eager to hide he's adjusting his body so his hips slid easily into the air chest pressed firmly to the bed. Displaying his body so beautifully as he was taught.

“Hmm yes you may say that but you aren't exactly hiding right now are you~?” Muzan asks in amusem*nt, running a finger between the soft cheeks over their twitching entrance. He's so close to just taking them like this without any mercy but he didn't need them getting traumatized no that wouldn't do for how long he intends to keep them. He didn't miss the shudder that went through Shi when grabbing one of those cheeks, squeezing it and pulling it aside so he could look at the other more, watching their dick bob with each look leaking precum already. He's absolutely fascinated how someone so lean could have this fat of an ass that isn'tjust muscle he was almost jealous.

“Shi dear howDo your pants contain this ass?” He asks, watching the human look back at him incredulously. “It's a genuine question, don't give me that look!” He complains to the human who looked like they were rethinking every decision they made up to this point.

“Why the f*ck does everyone ask that-” Shi breathes out in disbelief refusing to give Muzan the simple answer that he wears proper sized clothes. Yeah the pants are a bit baggy from the thighs down but that's what the leg covers are for they keep that extra fabric contained so he didn't have to deal with pants clinging to his ass 24/7. He wasn't exactly one to admire his own body but for once he's very curious and sends a glance at his own backside eyes widening.

"I guess that explains why Uzui and Sanemi are always having me walk ahead of them-" Shi blurts without thinking, letting his head fall to the pillow and burying his face in shame, making Muzan laugh, squeezing the plump cheek.

"Don't be ashamed of a valued trait~," Muzan cooes out now massaging both cheeks spreading them with admiration.

"It's going to feel amazing f*cking into this~," he praises swiping a thumb over the others entrance, letting out a low chuckle when Shi lets out a small groan. He could work with that moving his thumb to settle over the puckered spot massaging it in slow circles.

"Such.. unnecessary words," Shi mumbles, body jerking his hard dick saying otherwise with how it twitched in excitement from the demon's words precum constantly dripping onto the sheets like a leaky faucet.

"But you clearly love them~ just like the good little slu*t you are~," Muzan says triumphantly, smirking when Shi groaned in defeat. "A degradationand praise kink? Seems just like you~" Muzan states before grabbing the fully hard dick giving it an experimentally slow stroke smearing the precum along the length hearing Shi moan rather whorish into the pillow.

"Already moaning? Have you not been taken care of lately for just this touch and a few words to bring you so close to the edge?" He asks with a raised eyebrow letting the dick free. He heard a pitiful choked noise of loss and couldn't help how fast he was grabbing the bottle of massage oil he set among the sheets earlier pouring a generous amount into his palm. Giving Shi a few moments to respond he grabbed their dick again when they stayed irritatingly silent, jerking it much smoother with the oil. He watched as Shi's hips bucked into his touch greedily being silent except for some panting and whimpers of pleasure.

“Mmm why are you being so quiet all of a sudden? You can't tell me they were actually neglectingyou? All of this?” Muzan asks jerking the dick roughly pulling a gasp from them, their toes curling and bound wrists laying on their head to help hide hips now wiggling side to side trying to entice the demon into hurrying up.

“You really area little slu*t aren't you? Were you trying to abstain? Can't even go a day without getting your little hole stuffed? It must be the only way you're not just gaping for me to stick my dick inside you~” Muzan whispers letting the dick go when it started twitching more in his hand not touching the human for a solid minute it made Shi cry out in desperation acting like they were truly bound and unable to move despite it not being the case. He needed to test something.

Cum for me beautiful~” Muzan cooes to Shi watching their body nearly convulse on the bed as they come against the sheets untouched body clenching in nothing and they let out the loudest moan he's ever heard, being sure the others could probably hear them.

“What a perfect toy” Muzan says in awe as Shi squirmed and cried softly from needing to be filled.

“Please~ just hurry up and f*ck me-” Shi begged quietly when raising their head trying to shift their hips into the air “please I'm going crazy-” they beg louder only getting a slickened finger brushing against their entrance, a teasing motion.

“I reallyam disappointed you didn't put up a bigger struggle you look like you'd love to be chased knowing when you get caught you get f*cked like the rabbit you are~” he whispers lustfully to the human finally finallysliding a finger in right up to the second knuckle already.

Shi nearly screamed when feeling the finger hit his prostate head on his heart beating so fast he swears it's gonna suddenly stop.

“If you want me to struggle~ MmH~ jus-just tie my wrists to the headboard~ that's what they do after all-” he breathed out between moans but yelped when Muzan pulled his finger out and roughly shoved two fingers in without regard.

“They're not here anymore so shut up about them” Muzan hisses out at Shi. He could only tolerate them speaking about their lovers so much and now they're getting annoying. “Focus solely on meand the pleasure I'm giving you tramp,” he adds, thrusting both fingers in and out of them, taking his time to scissor them and stretch the other open adding a third finger. Listening to their begging the squirming got worse when he just kept slowing his hand until he stopped completely leaving the hashira to f*ck themself on his fingers. It was a gorgeous sight.

“So needy, will you be like this every time I try to be slow with you?” Muzan asks sad*stically only to twist the three fingers inside them, reveling in the cry of pleasure he received from it.

"Please~” Shi cries out, nearly sobbing in relief when Muzan resumes his movements pressing mercilessly against the spot now rubbing and thrusting his fingers hard with amusem*nt.

"Hmm, maybe you're not as well behaved as I thought, begging so much just because I stopped for a few moments," Muzan tuts out with a chuckle finally deeming Shi to be stretched and tortured enough pulling his fingers from the other his own body shivering at the pitiful noise he heard from them.

"Don't you worry, you won't be empty for long," Muzan says in a low seductive voice effectively making Shi shiver, legs nearly turning to jelly. He figured he would do as they suggested using his belt to tie Shi’s bound wrists up to the headboard slack being given so they have room but also tight enough that if he pulled them back by their hips their arms will have to stay outstretched.

“This body belongs in the red light district,” he says with a low groan watching the body below him twitch and it didn't take long for him to take his own hardening dick into his slick grip, pumping it a few times to its full size with a huff. He did just that dragging Shi as far back as possible without straining their arms, rubbing his hands up and down their sides. He rubbed his dick at their entrance groaning and nudging it ever so slowly inside inch by inch until he was fully inside. When seeing how Shi's body didn't tense up he did notice upon further inspection that they were gripping the belt like their life depended on it teeth clamped around the pillow below eyes drunk on lust from just being filled. He let out a genuine chuckle.

“You really are a slu*t Shi~” he says with no malicious intent he was just being honest this time and it got the others ass clenching and unclenching erratically around him.

“That's right~ you're a slu*t for some good dick~ a good boy for it even~” he whispers slowly leaning up and over Shi rolling his hips into them after wrenching their head from the pillow, another whorish moan leaving them when their back was forcefully arched by the grip on their hair.

“Tell me how good you are~” he demands with a deep tone and he swore he saw Shi’s eyes roll to the back of their head, tongue nearly lolling out of their mouth as they take deep breaths.

“I-I'm a good boy~ a-a good slu*t~ I- f*ck- just pound me into the bed I don't want to be slu*t talked anymore I don't care for it-” they groan out to the heavens bucking their hips back towards Muzan who slightly pulled out loving how much control he has. However, that movement made Shi grunt and glare back at Muzan nearly hissing at him.

If you're gonna tease me any further just get the f*ck out of my ass and untie my hands so I can take care of myself” Shi suddenly snaps back at Muzan letting out a muffled moan when his head is shoved into the pillow for his insolence. -He really didn't care he just needed a f*cking dick rearranging his organs already and make him forget about his life-

“Tch, if you're going to be like that,” Muzan growls out eyes narrowed he pulled back just till the tip was in and then slammed back home the human howling into the pillow toes curling again. He did this a few more times deep harsh, but slow thrusts were still driving the hashira insane but at least now their mouth is too preoccupied with making some very loud, very desperate noises. He huffed and started to speed his thrusts up leaning down over Shi once more and gripped their throat, sneering by their head.

“Do you actually moan this whorish or are you just trying to impress me? You're already talking my entire length so easily. What more could you do to impress~?” He asks with a chuckle and Shi mewled at the words.

“Yes and lots~ I can take dick down my throat so well~ Uzui loves having my tight throat around him~” Shi moans out onto Muzan who snarled and slammed hard into the human who gasped and cried out once again.

What did I tell you whor*,” Muzan threatens shortly after feeling how they shuddered around him, their dick completely back to life… Did they like the anger? That's not right- “You're a f*cking brataren't you? Ugh I can't believe I have to deal with two of them now-” he laments making his thrusts slow and lazy now eyelids falling half shut.

“I-” Shi started but he felt himself choke up. He isa brat and by god if it made Muzan treat him like a toy then he would keep talking about his partners.

“And if I am? What if I wanna be punished.. like a good brat.. Uzui likes brats-” They mumble rather shyly gasping as their throat is squeezed tightly cutting off their air and they swore they saw stars when he slammed past their prostate.

“Don't worry I'm a good brat tamer you'll be such a good boy for me~ Gonna have you in something so pretty you'll get nice red lipstick too for those plump slu*tty lips. I bet they're like this because of how much dick you've sucked over the years, yeah?” Muzan asks breathlessly, starting to find more pleasure being so teasing to the human feeling himself pulse inside Shi. He groaned happily and released their neck, pausing his thrusts to make sure they got enough air in their lungs and started thrusting again huffing and finally groaning in pleasure. The way Shi had reacted to being choked had him guessing how often this immature man would piss their partners off to that degree while coupling enough to make them like it-

“You are such a spectacle,” Muzan whispers lustfully to the human constantly slamming in and out of them now watching them squirm and moan they were lovingit.

“Choke me more- they don't- they don't wanna hurt me.. I wanna get.. f*ck-” Shi whispers softly and gasped when Muzan suddenly stopped full halt and he groans squirming against them doing what he could to make them move again but the demon wouldn't. “f*ck please move! What did I do wrong this time?!” He cries out with such a choked little noise he didn't realize he had started actually crying. f*ck.

“You shouldn't punish yourself with sex, isn't that an important thing for humans not to ruin?” Muzan huffs slowly moving to pull out so he could move the other closer to the headboard and remove the bindings but Shi bucked his hips back hard confused and choked cries leaving them.

“No- no no nonono please don't stop I'm sorry! I'm sorry, please don't stop!” They cry out yanking at the wrist bindings trying to get their hands free. They were becoming hysterical and Muzan started hushing them, pushing back in worriedly and didn't move to pull out again even rolling his hips ever so slowly, the gentle movement punching a quiet broken moan from Shi.

“Shhh I'm not going to stop, I never intended to stop, even if you begged me too~” Muzan whispers in a rather soft tone rubbing a hand up and down the middle of Shi’s back never stopping his grind forward as the man under him bawled their eyes out in pleasure and sudden emotional overstimulation. He knew the human needs this to finish he didn't understand why, but he figured with how they reeked of alcohol they weren't the best decision maker and this is one of the ways they cope. Though he couldn't deny it definitely turned him on there was also something scratching at the back of his mind something that told him he's seenor at least heard of Shi before or at least someone with a similar appearance.

“Oh-” Muzan says in realization hips stuttering for a moment dick twitching in Shi who wept quietly for him to continue. “Oh Shi,” He cooes leaning over them he couldn't help but envelope them in a hug pressing as deep as he could into the other. He swiftly untied the belts rubbing the others red wrists in a soothing manner kissing and nipping their neck and shoulders making them moan more than cry.

“If you stop crying like a good boy I'll let you f*ck Douma up till he's begging for your mercy for what he did to your mother~” he whispers so enticingly. He felt Shi convulse under him now free from the binds they reached back and carded a hand into Muzan's hair taking the demon by surprise.

“I don't care about that right now- I just- I just need this badly so please Muzan just stop talking and f*ck me-” Shi begs one final time sobs subsided as they focused on the roll of their hips feeling him push even deeper inside them.

“Heh if you insist lucky rabbit~” Muzan cooes, pulling back and thrusted into them starting up a constant pace that sped up the bed starting to hit the wall. It had been no more than a few more minutes of Shi’s wails and cries of pleasure that he found himself spilling into them without warning groaning quietly, holding them flush against his pelvis making sure to make a mess out of them.

Shi was shaking and twitching, moaning deeply when they started feeling warmth fill their ass, dick twitching with untouched need. “Oh you naughty boy you were supposed to cum with me~” Muzan says in mock dismay since Shi bucked back against him but he stilled their hips tutting lightly.

“Ah ah~ stay still and let me make you cum~ don't hold back just release when you feel like it~” he insists, smoothing one hand down Shi’s stomach and pressing down lightly. He didn't even get to touch Shi’s hard dick before it exploded over the sheets. He figured it would happen but the sound the human made was almost angelic when they cried out in their release as well as their ass clamping down harshly on his dick sending him into another org*sm. He swore and f*cked through the tight muscle enjoying the squeeze a bit too much and quickly jerked Shi's dick intent on milking them too.

After a solid minute the two were finally fully spent and Muzan took a hesitant pull back pulling out fully when Shi didn't complain this time. They looked quite out of it regardless of what made it happen and he adores the look. Finally leaning back on his knees he started rubbing his hands up and down their side.

“Are you still there?” Muzan asks with a smirk shifting and fixing his pants. He realized he never actually stripped but he didn't mind and clearly the human didn't either.

“Nnm..” Shi mumbles body finally inching towards the bed towards the mess. Muzan grimaced and made them roll onto their side notin the mess and glared at them.

“Are you seriously so lazy that you'd rather lay in your own spend than take an extra second to lie on your side?” Muzan asks, watching the human shrug and grab a pillow to cuddle clearly not caring about the demons cum slowly leaking from them. “You are… surprisingly disgusting-” he says watching Shi lift their head looking at him with an amused face expression loose overall they were tired and looked less dead. He could understand it.

“And here I thought the Demon King wasn't afraid of a little bodily fluids” Shi says with a laugh snorting and going into a full on giggle fit as Muzan looked shocked, mouth opening and closing before he hisses quietly.

“I'm not afraid,I just have a sense of cleanliness that you humans clearly don't,” he huffs out which makes Shi start snickering and giggling more.

“Nooo just me-” They say and start smiling big “Uzui hates it too-” They add mischievously watching a vein appear over Muzan’s temple and they squealed when he lunged onto them. But instead of pain like they were expecting they felt him mouth up and down their neck looking for just the right spot before their eyes are widening and his teeth are sinking in. He gasped when Muzan sunk his whole row of teeth into their shoulder right in the crease-

“YOU f*ckER-” Shi screams when he realized what Muzan was doing shoving the man back just as he was letting go licking the blood from his teeth. They felt blood pooling down their shoulder and chest now, body shaking and looked at the now fresh wound. -It was going to scar- and Muzan looks proud.

“What? I can't just let you wander around without my mark on you otherwise you might get gobbled up in a very bad way~” The demon teases crawling closer to Shi and licks up a strip of blood watching the way their body shivered.

“I-” Shi starts but then has their own moment of deep thinking, “is that the truth?” They ask hesitantly just leaning back on their hands now as Muzan started licking up the blood actively resisting just eatingthis human.

“This time yes it's especially to ward off Douma.. I'm sure your lovers will understand if they don't die before seeing you again~” he teases, lapping across the bite feeling Shi's hand grasp his hair stopping his movements and ever so slowly tilting his head back so they are eye to eye.

“I have faith in all my comrades… maybe not all of them will survive but I know at least a few will make it here to chop you to bits then I will live the remainder of my days with my partners or mourning their deaths. In the end I at least know I'll have Makio, Suma, and Hinatsuru as Uzui always makes sure they know that their lives are top priority, I will make sure to return home just like them,” they say so sincerely like it is a promise. Afterwards they let Muzan’s hair go grunting when he latched onto the bite to make it bleed once more. Muzan was getting his fill while he could since Shi was currently so pliant their body was just accepting the blood loss with ease and the euphoria infused blood was making Muzan addicted.

“Hey- you're gonna kill me-” Shi mutters, carding their hand in the demon's hair again trying not to rip the other away, their heart thumping heavy. It took a repeated ‘hey’ for Muzan to pull back with a hum licking the blood off his lips giving his own mischievous smirk.

“Mmm? Well technically we never agreed on me not using you like a blood bag and seeing you still so pliable like this after I bit into you? You can't blame me for taking it,” He says ‘reasonably’ enough, and Shi sneered a bit.

“I regret my decision already,” they grumble tossing the now bloodied pillow aside sitting up with Muzan easily moving with them.

“Well that is the point,” he says oh so simply with a smirk standing up. He felt a rush go through himself blaming it on the blood he wanted to do something bad. Something that would break this Hashira and keep them in his grasp regardless if people try to save them.

“The door at the end of the room leads to a bathroom so make sure to get cleaned and patched up Shi I'll be back by morning,” he mentions grabbing his hat from the nightstand and put it on leaving the room the sound of a biwa going off once the door shut and the demons presence was gone.

Shi sat there. Just sat and thought. For like at least five minutes. Taking in every feeling that settled into his body and let out a shaky breath followed by hysterical laughter.

“The f*ck am I doing…” he sighs out and swung his legs down from the bed blinking a couple times when his feet didn't touch the ground. “The f*ck is this man doing sleeping so high off the ground? Is his ego that bad?” He questions carefully shifting closer to the edge, shivering as he finally feels the cum leaking out of him, his face going red all over again.

“God I really am going to hell when I die,” he laughs out once finally landing and pulling the sheets off the bed tossing them in a basket of what he hopes is dirty clothes. Then he grabbed his pile of clothes, folded his haori and set it on the nightstand heading to the door Muzan said leads to the bathroom with the rest of his clothes intent on taking a very long relaxing bath. He's pleasantly surprised to see the demon was telling the truth about it being a bathroom, setting his eyes on the big tub and heading in hoping to get some rest afterwards.

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Name: Jonah Leffler

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Introduction: My name is Jonah Leffler, I am a determined, faithful, outstanding, inexpensive, cheerful, determined, smiling person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.