A Demon's Final Breath - Chapter 1 - Alex_floofy - 鬼滅の刃 (2024)

Chapter Text

She sits there, on her knees in front of her soon to be husband. Her father was standing just behind her. She rolls the end of her dress in her fingers as she tries not to make eye contact with him. His eyes stuck staring at her, for she didn't know what she got herself into when walked into this arranged marriage. No one else would marry this man, he was handsome and very intelligent. But he was not as kind as his face would show him to be. She married this man out of pity, she felt sorry for the poor soul.

Muzan had all but disappeared after the marriage was finalized, for weeks. Leaving poor old Niven alone in her room. Niven was fine with this, it gave her time to read her new book’s and it gave her time to reflect on the marriage. She wondered what her new married life was going to be like. When was she going to move in with her husband? When was she going to get her first kiss? And even when she was going to lose the virginity she saved safely for marriage. All of these thoughts raced through her head, not giving her a single break. Her every task was clouded by the thoughts of the man she married? She couldn't do anything without thinking about the marriage. Her father even asked her many times what she was thinking about, but of course she answered each time with ‘Don’t worry dad, I'm fine’.

Niven was enjoying a peaceful night in bed, reading her favourite book from H.D Carlton. Flipping through the well worn pages, trying to find where she last was when reading. Until her father calls from the kitchen below. “Niven! Your husband is here.” She rolls her eyes not wanting to get up from her book. Seriously she was just able to find her page and he shows up now! What was he even here for? It's too late to go anywhere. She walks down the stairs, her steps heavy and laboured exaggerating the fact she didn't want to go. She hears a faint screaming sound that was quickly muffled by silence. Her heartbeat quickened slightly, it was eerily quiet after the noise. Something had to have happened, someone had to have done something. Niven approaches the front door, her steps now quicken with curiosity. Although what she saw was not pleasant. A splatter of crimson across the wall, and her husband standing over a body. Stricken by fear she stands in place, unable to move. She looks up from the body sprawled across the floor to see her husband standing in the doorway over her father. The look on his face was bland and straight, his features un-moving. Her body trembled in fear, her body twitching in unmatched fear. Her hands plastered tight over her mouth, trying to stop a scream from escaping. Niven tried to talk, but her vocal cords were shut tight. Finally after Niven breaks out of her prison of fear, she manages to let a shrieking scream out. She screams until her lungs give out and her voice becomes weak. Muzan sighs as she screams, the ear piercing sound not affecting him at all. He walks forward a couple steps until he is within arm’s length of the girl, reaching an arm out to place on her shoulder. Niven immediately stiffens in fear, her arms press firmly against her abdomen and her leg clenched firmly together. Muzan tightens his jaw, annoyed at her reaction to his touch. He pulls back his hand, wiping off the imaginary filth she put on his hand.

“Such a childish reaction” He mutters under his breath.

He brings his hand up to her head, contemplating whether he should knock her out or turn her into a demon. After a few seconds of thinking he decides for the lesser option, knocking her out swiftly. His determination to find the flower he sought for years over took the urge to eliminate the woman right now.

Niven flutters her eyes open, blinded by the pale orange light emitted from the room. She sits up slowly rubbing the side of her head where it seemed to be throbbing in pain. Once she opened her eyes to a squint she focused on her surroundings, confused on how she got in here. This wasn't her bedroom or her home. The wooden lattice that lined the ceiling and the bone coloured walls. The most confusing part of the room was how one of the walls was missing, to reveal an almost infinite expanse beyond. Filled by more rooms of the same design and twisting staircases. The door opposite of the missing wall opens as a tall blonde man walks in. His charming presence and alluring voice snapping her attention from the sight beyond. “Dearest, you're awake!” The man utters as he shuts the door behind him “That man doesn't have to know yet” He kneels down beside Niven with hands sitting against his knees. His multi coloured orbs staring directly into her as he awaits a response. Niven stutters as she tries to answer the man. “I don't know why the master fancies you so much? You're such a buzzkill.” The man pouts as he rests his head against his now raised hand.

“Your - Your master?” Niven stutters as she builds the confidence to speak again.

“Oh, he hasn't told you? Well your husband is quiet to show.” Just as he was finishing his sentence, at the same door the blonde man walked in form, flung open to reveal her murderous husband. Muzan walked over to the blonde, his demeanour was cold and furious.

“Douma! You honestly thought you could hide this from me!” Muzan screams as he throws the man on the ground by the neck. With every word of Muzan his hand just pushed the man into the ground, accompanied by a vein popping on his forehead.

“Ahh, Master, we were just having a little chat while waiting for your arrival.” The man cooed, sneaking a glace and Niven as he spoke.

“DOUMA!” Muzan seethed through his teeth, his hands tightening their grip against Douma’s neck. His fingertips turned an odd shade of pale yellow.

“Muzan! Don't hurt him, we were just talking.” Niven calls out, her voice shrill and broken at the sight. Muzan snaps his head towards Niven, his anger quickly fading as he realizes it was her who spoke. Muzan grunts in reply, letting go of the letters throat after flicking his hand off the man. He walks over to Niven dusting off the grim that Douma would have put on him. His surrounding aura was tense and filled with hatred until he stepped towards Niven, that's when the man seemed to calm down and relax.

Muzan had chosen this woman to be his bride, when he found out that Niven was related to the cursed doctor he had back when he was a human. If Muzan could form a bond with Niven, maybe he would be able to find the blue spider lily and finally conquer the sun. If the relationship had to be built on lies, it didn't bother Muzan in the slightest. But there was one thing Muzan feared, yet what he didn't know was that it was already happening. He had already fallen for the human girl.

Muzan reached down towards Niven, only to see her shudder in fear. After all he had killed her father, The man relaxed his hands to show that he had no ill intent towards niven. But when she wouldn't stop her quivering, Muzan got mad, his hand became stiff with rage and his teeth grinding against each other. “Do you want help or not!” Muzan insisted as he forced his hand to un-curl.

“Is he going to be ok?” Niven asked quietly her voice shaking from fear

“He will be fine” Muzan pauses for a moment as he takes a moment to look at Douma who was now sitting up as if nothing happened just before. “Sadly” Muzan mumbled his last word. Douma was perched up kneeling on his knees. His head was slightly tilted towards the two, his gaze fixated on Niven.

“You know master, I could take good care of this human in my Eternal paradise faith?” Douma replied with his usual carefree voice. Muzan replied with a snarl and a stare that could kill a human. All though reluctantly Muzan had let his wife be taken by Douma, and sheltered in the eternal paradise faith.

“Take her, she clearly does want to accept her husband” Muzan snarled as he gave Niven a look through the corner of his eye. Niven froze in fear again, her husband's words painful and cold. Douma jumped off his knee’s and pranced over towards niven, she instantly relaxed just the slightest as he came over. Once she was freed from her binding, she rushed behind Douma clinging to his waist as if her life depended on it. Douma chuckled softly as he lifted his arms to see what the latter was doing. “Why master, isn’t your lily a funny thing.” Muzan looked at the pair one last time, a look of angry defeat on his face. The sweet ring of a biwa play’s just before niven was moved to a new room. She clung tighter to Douma not aware of where she was moved.

Douma looks down at niven, he pries the girl from his waist. “Now, will I finally get some answers out of you doll?” Douma teased as he lowered himself into a crouch. Niven relaxes fully, finally able to feel safe in Douma’s presence. She nods softly as she wraps her arms around her waist where Douma’s hands were now placed. “So flower, how long have you known the master?” He asks quietly, his hands growing dangerously close to the lining of your skirt. Niven doesn't seem to notice his hand placement as she tries to recall the amount of time she knew Muzan.

“About… 1 week.” She manages to recall a rough time from her memories.

“How did you meet the master?”

“My parents introdu-” Nivens sentence was cut short as she recalled her parents. Specifically her dad, she still remembered the way his blood was splattered along the wall. Her eyes started to swell with tears as she was flooded with the memories of the night. She didn't know how long she was out for, hours? Days? Weeks? She was scared of the dark haired man now.

“Tsk dear flower, what's wrong -Douma cooed, one of his hands made its way up to Niven's eye to wipe away the tear that threatened to roll down her cheek- Did master do something to your parents?” Douma mumbles with a fake pout. He already knew what he did, he was the one who gave Muzan the idea. Get the parents out of the way then the girl would have nowhere else to go. She would have to stay with her husband, which leaves her dependent on Muzan. Which gives him the chance to find the blue spider lily.

Niven nods her head as she collapses into Douma’s embrace. Douma stumbles for a moment, quickly catching his balance. Douma snakes his arms around her waist holding her in a hug as she cries into his chest. “Aren't you just fascinating.” He teases, softly patting her back. Niven ignores a response, not even able to speak words; her tears were just too much to handle.

Moments pass of the two sitting on the floor in the middle of Douma’s room. Niven’s wails slowly come to an end as she cries herself to sleep. She was mentally exhausted from her crying. She falls into a slumber on Douma’s lap, Douma gets the idea to place her on his bed so she could get the rest she deserved and so Douma could go into the night and hunt some humans to eat.

Niven awakes from her slumber, she slowly opens her eyes to adjust to the light that poured into her eyes. She sits up, still rubbing her eyes when she catches a faint glimpse of someone sitting in the corner of the room. She snaps her eyes towards the corner to see Douma sitting in the chair watching her as she sleeps. “My I didn’t expect you to be awake so early” Douma utters as he gets up from the chair he sat in to walk over and sit right next to the sleep Niven.

“Douma, what are you doing here?” She questioned, confused on why Douma would have been watching her.

“Just watching, no reason at all” He jokes, an odd smirk placed upon his lips.

Niven tilts her head slightly in confusion, she swings her legs around to the side of the bed to sit next to Douma. She notices that she feels cold, she looks at her clothing, only to see a lack of clothing. She stares stunned, why was she only in a bra and underpants? Was this Douma’s doing? What else had he done? “Oh you sleep like that now do you” Douma teases as he leans in closer to niven and places a hand on her open thigh. Niven retracts from his touch slightly, his cold hand only making her feel colder.

“Douma your hands are so cold!” She exclaims taking his hand in hers, wrapping her hands around his in an attempt to warm them.

“You won't get far with that flower” Douma giggled as he took her hands off of his, then placed his hand further up on Niven’s thigh.

“Douma, I’m married you can’t be doing that” It pained Niven to say that. Yes she is married, but the man she is married to killed her father. The only saving grace Muzan had was his looks, he was exceptionally handsome and he had an amazing body! “Even if my husband killed my father I'm still married.”

“Come one flower, master doesn't have to know” Douma grabs the girl softly placing her on his lap.

“Douma I really shouldn't be doing this” Niven protests, she tries to wriggle off the man’s lap. She was getting uncomfortable with how Douma was acting.

Douma holds a firm grip on her waist making her unable to escape him. “Come on, don't be such a buzzkill flower” He creeps his hand up to Niven’s chin to pull her head closer to his.

“Douma! Please!” She gasped slightly when she was pulled closer to Douma. Her face is only inches from his. Douma ignores her pleas and force’s a kiss on her lips. Niven struggles against Douma’s strength, her attempts of escape made futile. Douma runs his cold hand along the lining of Nivens underpants, his finger creeping under the waistband with every movement. She tries to plead with Douma to stop but her words are muffled. Douma forces her to part her lips so he could invite his tongue into the kiss. He runs his hand into Niven’s pants to softly grab her ass cheek. Niven squeals, she wasn't comfortable with this but douma was too strong to protest again. Douma squeezed her butt cheek when she squealed as a silent order to stay quiet. He then flips the two around, breaking them from the kiss to lay niven against the bed. Douma now hung over niven, his figure over powering niven with ease. Niven placed her hands on Douma’s chest to create a barrier.

Douma lowers his hand to Niven’s shirt, trailing his hand under the shirt to cup one of her boobs. Douma places a soft tender kiss on Niven, his hand softly caressing her nipple quickly stimulating her. A soft pink hue crawled over Niven’s face, her nipple quickly becoming hard and erect. Douma breaks the kiss for a moment before laying peppered kisses down her neck and onto her collar bone. Niven shudder’s, a cold shiver running down her body. She was disgusted at herself because a part of her wanted this but she didn't want this. She knew it was just her hormones as a woman but she truly didn't want this to happen, not with Douma. Douma continues to place soft kisses on her collarbone, occasionally he would leave a few love bites. Niven stops her protest, giving up on the idea that she could escape, instead she just offers herself to Douma.

Douma takes her relaxed form as a sign to continue to do what he pleases with her. He slips his knee up against Niven’s groin. He slowly grinds his knee against her clothed c*nt. He grabs her shirt, quickly ripping the shirt clean off, leaving her in only her skirt, under pants and bra. She involuntarily releases a moan at Douma grinding against her. She shudders in the cold touch Douma gave her, his hands roaming effortlessly over her tit* and nipples. Douma lowers his trail of kisses down to her nipple, softly sucking and biting the small nub. His tongue trails circles around her nipple leaving a wet trail. The combination of Douma attacking both her breast and grinding against her c*nt, making Niven quickly over-stimulated. Niven’s juices now coated Douma’s knee, the fluids soaking into both her undergarments and Douma’s pants. “Why flower, someone is aroused” Douma teases as he takes a break from stimulating her breast, his gaze now flickering to her panties, “Why don't you say we get rid of these dear?”. Niven covers her face with a pillow to hide the bashful look covering her face. Her eyes looking away from douma in case he decides to remove the pillow. Douma smirk’s taking her hiding as the sign to continue.

He snakes his hand down to her panties once more, wrapping his thumb and index finger around the band. Slowly he lowers it letting the cold air breeze on her folds. Her cl*t twitches slightly adjusting to the cold air. A few strings of her fluids still connected to the soaked panties. Douma’s darts down to her core, quickly lapping up the cold liquid down below. An animalistic grin on his face as he runs his tongue over Niven's folds. Niven holds back a moan, trying not to show douma that she was enjoying the feeling. After moments of running 8’s over both her hole and cl*t he plunges his tongue deep into her core. Niven squealed slightly, the slight pain of Douma entering quickly was a shock. A light flow of blood mix’s in with Douma's saliva and her fluids. “Flower you really weren't joking, you really haven't done any of this.” Douma’s words were slurred, his tongue still plunged deep into Niven. Her walls clenched around his tongue, the textured walls give Douma’s tongue a playground of room to explore. With every movement of Douma's tongue Niven followed in suit with her walls twitching against him.

Niven becomes a hot mess, thrown into a battle she didn't want to be in. Her mind was telling her to scream for help, for anyone to save her from this mess. But her core was telling her she was having the best time of her life, and she knew it. This was a new feeling to her, a feeling she would have wanted to save for the one she was married to. She felt like a horrible wife. What wife goes and sleeps with the work colleague of her husband. What would Muzan do? Would he even do anything? Does he hate Niven? He has no reason to, but she has every reason to hate Muzan. He killed her father, he knocked her unconscious and left her here.


With this monster.

Douma continued his assault on her. He was skilled, he knew where to go. Niven’s core was quickly reaching its end, her walls were becoming tighter and her thighs were beginning to strangle Douma’s head. Douma noticed how she was reaching her end, a wild and co*cky grin spread across his face. He stopped just before she could finish teasing the girl once more. He lapped up any juices that may have come out of niven, making sure not to touch her cl*t. Douma stood up, unbuckling his pants and letting them drop to the floor. Nivens face is still buried in the pillow, her thoughts consumed by the voices telling her to run.

She was unaware of Douma, or how he was no longer face deep in her core. Douma took the chance to shock her out of the bewildered and frightened state she was in by plunging his member deep into her. His length effortlessly reached the end. Not even giving time to let her adjust to the feeling he started to thrust into her, at a fast pace. Leaving Niven sore and bruised already. She squealed with each thrust, the pain almost too much to bear. She clawed at Douma, trying to find a new way to escape him. The pitiful screams niven erected only made Douma more aroused, his thrust picking up in pace. Almost like a wild animal chasing after its prey. Niven was getting an uneasy feeling, almost like something was about to happen that she couldn't stop. Her thoughts were once again quickly consumed by Douma and the pain he brought along. The knot that was once before in the bottom of her stomach quickly formed again, leaving her a moaning and crying mess. His thrust even slightly became more erratic and sloppy, almost as if he was losing control of his own body while chasing for his own finish. Douma emits small grunts and huffs, his hands gripping on to Niven’s hip pulling Douma deeper into Niven. Lewd panting and growling moans fill the room as the two chase their ends.

Muzan walks through the city streets holding his position in society as a high class male. The city streets filled with the weekend chats of wife's and the store merchants haggling with their customers. Muzan takes the city streets as a perfect cover to turn a few humans into demons. His actions go unnoticed by the people around him. A moment passes and the new demon is now convulsing on the floor. The transformation to a demon taking a toll on the body. The demon stops convulsing, their movement now gone and silent. A screeching sound can be heard as the demon lunges at a random passer-by. The demon sinks their teeth into the human's neck, trying to feast on the human not caring for the people behind them. This demon was solely focused on getting food and quenching the hunger they had for human meat. The street is now thrown into a panic, people screaming and running for their lives. Muzan was unfazed by the delemor, well he caused it why would the demon king himself be afraid of a weakling demon. Muzan walks off leaving the city in a horse and cart.

Halfway up the mountain to the human house he possessed, he got an uneasy feeling. A new feeling for the Muzan, he didn't know how to react to this. He didn't like the idea of not knowing what was happening to him. The feeling of this uneasiness was coming from his heart, as if he knew something bad was happening to someone he… loved. IMPOSSIBLE! He thought to himself. He was incapable of love, he didn't need to feel that weakening emotion. Love made people weak, he knew that because he used that very emotion against people. Muzan was going crazy in the back of the horse and cart trying to figure out where this uneasy feeling came from. Until eventually he gets annoyed at the driver for being able to answer the useless question’s Muzan hurled at him. Muzan rages killing both the driver of the cart and the horse. The cart stops dead in its tracks, with no leader and no way of motion it glides to a stop. Muzan walks off the kart fixing his suit sleeves and whipping off any blood that hasn't dried already. The uneasy feeling was still growing in his stomach. The feeling grows so much it's the only thing he thinks of and feels. It's taking over his consciousness, forcing itself into his life. Muzan’s veins on his head bulged and his hands gripped tightly into a fist, ready to kill the first thing he saw. He is struck with the sudden reminder of the girl he married, the wife he left with the upper two. DOUMA! He knew where this fear was coming from. He knew it was now coming from Douma. He screamed at Nakime through the cell’s of his in her body to take him into the Infinite castle.

The demon king now in the infinite castle runs his way toward Douma’s room. Not caring for the demons he might have passed or the walls he might have broken. His one mission right now was to get to Niven. He quickly encloses in Douma's room, his rage growing ever more.

Douma leans over the girl, grabbing her hands and holding them above her head. He takes the pillow off her face to reveal how red and hot she was. “Dear master has a good eye. And to think I was the first one to bring you to this mess.” Douma coos, his words alluring and suggestive, his tone even worse. His every breath is shallow and raspy. Niven was first to reach her end, a now moaning, crying mess. Douma is still on his journey to reach his end. He reaches down to take her moans in his mouth with a kiss. This is frivolous and weak.

Just before Douma was able to reach his end Muzan burst into the room ripping Douma off niven. “DOUMA! YOU f*ckING slu*t!” Muzan screams. His voice was louder than every one combined. The infinite castle shakes in his rage. His grasp so tight on Douma’s throat he had already ripped it out. His hands now move to Douma’s eyes, ripping them out of his sockets. The blood sprays over Muzan and a few drops land on Niven. Who was still laying on the bed breathless and scared. The look on Douma’s face was one of pure horror. Muzan was enraged, his skin was unusually white. Spines grew from the middle of his back pinning Douma to the wall by his hands and feet. Muzan ripped apart his body, leaving nothing but a mutilated mess. The scene of the event only scared Niven more. She was covered in the crimson blood of Douma, her legs trembling from fear. She tried to get away from him but her legs were too weak to take her anywhere. She resorted to crawling beside the bed, hiding behind the raised mattress. A while had passed before Muzan had stopped tearing apart Douma leaving him nothing but a puree of flesh and blood.

Muzan called for his wife, not aware that the girl was too scared to answer back “Honey!”. He went to turn around to get his wife from the bed behind him, but saw that she was no longer lying on the bed. He saw a slight glimpse of her hair fall down behind the mattress alerting him of where she now hid. Muzan walked beside the bed, trailing his hand on the mattress till he was in front of Niven. He frowned when he saw that she was covered in blood. Douma’s blood. He knelt down in front of her offering a hand of help. She cowered deeper into herself trying not to cry. She winced in pain, her body ached all over from Douma’s assault. “That monster can't hurt you anymore dear. -Muzan's whispers, his hand still outspread waiting for the girl to take it- How about we get you some new clothes?” The girl trembles still, pulling her feet in close into an uncomfortable crouch. She darts her eyes between his hand and his face. Her face relaxed slightly after sensing no ill-intent from Muzan's offered hand. Sceptical, she out reached her hand flinching at the slightest Muzan made. She placed her hand softly on his, her grip loose and weak. Muzan smiles alongside his head tilting slightly in contempt. Muzan pulls Niven into his chest, her legs collapse beneath her as she falls into Muzan. Muzan wraps his arms around her waist holding her in a tight hug. Niven sits still, her body still frozen from shock. The cold blood now drying on her skin, putting off a weird smell. Niven buries her head into Muzan’s chest, feeling an odd sense of security and safety in his presence.

Muzan’s heart was touched so softly. His once dark and harsh view on his eternal life was broken by a ray of sunlight. A soft, kind, and warm ray of sun. This girl really was the answer he sought. If he couldn't conquer the sun on his own he would hold niven close to him. His cold skin felt warmth for the first time in 500 years. He would do anything for his new found hope, kill for her, protect her, cherish her.

Niven relaxed fully for the first time in ages, Muzan’s cold embrace inviting her to a place of calm. Muzan laced his fingers in with Niven’s hair, patting her head quietly. Niven began to cry into Muzan’s blood soaked clothing, her tears flowing like rivers.
Muzan peered down at her body, just remembering how she was not dressed. Muzan broke the silence with a small hum before asking: “Niven, dear. We need to find you new clothing”. Niven nod’s between sobs, her voice to frail and broken to talk. Muzan wraps his arms under Nivens legs and around her back, picking her up slowly. He nods to the air, sending a message to Nakime to get them out of his room and into Niven’s old room. He places her softly on her messy bed, her body melting to the familiar feel of her bed sheets. She lays there for minutes, her room still the same as she left it that night. “Which outfit would you like, Mrs Kibutsuji.” Niven looked at Muzan with shock. 1st he was out looking for outfits for her while she helplessly wailed into her bedspread, 2nd Mrs Kibutsuji. Although she was technically married to this man for a month now it seemed, she had never once been referred to by her husband's last name.

“Wha- Excuse me?!” Niven stuttered, her voice hardly a whisper. She sits up in her bed, her hands traveling to the end of her sheets to pull them off her legs. Her eyes fixed firmly on Muzan who was looking in between two shirts.

“Come on, you heard what I said. What outfit do you want?” Muzan chuckled, he spun around on his heels to look at Niven, still holding the two shirts up high.

“Uhh… the left one.” Niven stutters, still shocked by Muzan’s words. She wonders why she was so worked up over two words. Why? Why were two words making her over think and more importantly blush? She wanted to hate this man. But why was she so open around him?

Muzan nodded at her response, walking over to put the item of clothing down on the end of the bed for Niven to change into. “You should put the shirt on first, you're still very exposed.” He gestured towards the shirt before sliding it a little closer to the girl draped in her bed sheets.

“Uhh. Thank you?” Niven utters. She reaches for the Michael Jackson band shirt Muzan had selected. Just as she slips the shirt over her head Muzan opens the drawer that has her bra and underwear. “NO NO! I can get the rest!” Niven races out of bed, throwing the bed sheets off her. She stumbles over to where Muzan was standing, her Legs faltering below her. She fall’s onto Muzan, her arms still trying to stop him from opening the drawer. Muzan look’s down at her confused at why she was so panicked.

“Get up, you're acting so childish” The purr in his voice sent chills down Niven’s spine. His hand falls just in front of Niven’s face offering a helping hand.

Niven race’s to her feet, her attention darts back towards the draw Muzan still had his hand on. “I think I can get the rest of what I need.” She rambles as she places a hand over Muzan’s trying to take it off the draw. Muzan flips his hand over lacing his finger with Niven's then flips his hand back over to take control of Niven. He pinned his knee in between Niven’s thigh and placed his over hand on her waist.

“Look at your dear, being so bold.” He purred, his hot breath fanning over her nose.

Niven gasped, she looked at Muzan's hand then back to his face. Her face flushes instantly as she looks at Man's face for the first time. His crimson eyes looking at her soft features. The way his jet black hair fell off his head and slightly brushed her cheeks as he looked down at her. Muzan inched his face closer to Niven’s, his gaze fixed on her lips. Their faces only centimetres away, their breath’s clashed together fanning each other in the face. This time Niven was not against the idea. She stood on the tips of her toes, her hands moving up to his collar to pull herself up even more. She quickly reaches Muzan and places a soft kiss on his lips. Muzan looked down at her, her small physique light and soft. Muzan pick’s her up, placing her back against the dresser and her legs over his arms. He leans in for another kiss, stopping millimetres before her. He looks back at her eyes, noticing the pleading look in them. Muzan rushes to her lips, catching them in a heated and quick paced kiss. He gorges himself on the taste of Niven’s lips.

The two join each other in a deep passionate kiss. Muzan follows his animalistic urge, forcing Niven on her bed, pinning her once again to the bed. The sheets below crumple under the pair’s weight. Muzan’s hair falls on Niven’s cheeks once again, she lets a soft chuckle escape her mouth at the tickling sensation. Niven’s tired eyes look back at Muzan with a warm smile.

“Get some sleep sunshine. We can continue this some other time.” Muzan whispers. His gaze soft with hints of sadness.

He wants to ravage her body right here, right now. But she is still human, she needs her human sleep or else she will get sick. Muzan knew that this wife of his wouldn't last too long, a human’s lifespan was simply not long enough to keep up with him. But the way she smiled at him left him feeling warm and soft inside, it was a sickening feeling to him. But he was willing to endure it for her. Muzan finally accepted the fact that he was taken over by love.

A Demon's Final Breath - Chapter 1 - Alex_floofy - 鬼滅の刃 (2024)


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Article information

Author: Fredrick Kertzmann

Last Updated:

Views: 6211

Rating: 4.6 / 5 (46 voted)

Reviews: 93% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Fredrick Kertzmann

Birthday: 2000-04-29

Address: Apt. 203 613 Huels Gateway, Ralphtown, LA 40204

Phone: +2135150832870

Job: Regional Design Producer

Hobby: Nordic skating, Lacemaking, Mountain biking, Rowing, Gardening, Water sports, role-playing games

Introduction: My name is Fredrick Kertzmann, I am a gleaming, encouraging, inexpensive, thankful, tender, quaint, precious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.