The Tribune from Scranton, Pennsylvania (2024)

Saturday, Dec. 11, 1948 The Scranton, Tribune WEST SIDE Yule Community Fete Planned In Keyser Valley Hall Dec. 21 Plans for a community Christmas party to be held in the Keyser Valley Community Center Hall Tuesday night, Dec. 21, are nearing completion. The party is being managed by the Parent-Teacher Association, No.

17 School, and is sponsored by the Keyser Valley Athletic Association. The committee is headed by Joseph Boylan. Entertainment will be provided from 7:30 to 9:15 p. m. On the program will be: Robert Murray, who will lead group singing; Edna Payne Reese, soloist; "Dukie" Davies, Carl Schmidt, Jerry Boylan, Geraldine Shimkus, Phyllis McCormick, the Boy Scout Troop No.

88, Interdenominational Church led by Willard Evans and the Altar Boys' Choir, St. David's RC Church led by the Rev. Patrick McCormick. Dance routines will be offered Mary Barbara Clarke, Ann by Marie Boylan, Marie Pfeiffer and and Grayek sisters. Frances Lesh will sing a and the accompanist will be Mrs.

Edna Meade. The Rev. Edward Canterbury and the Rev. Father McCormick will offer invocation and benediction prayers. Guests of honor will be W.

W. Jenkins, former principal, and Prof. Anthony Agnone, School. principal of Andrew Jackson I Santa will be present to give to the younger children. Parents and the older children will be offered refreshments.

Plans have been made to accommodate approximately 500, Afternoon Music Program Dec. 19 The second annual "Afternoon of Music" will be presented SunDec. 19, at 4 p. m. in First day, Baptist Church under auspices of the Four-Fold Class.

This musical is based around the program Christmas. atmosphernette Lloyd is teacher of the class. Mrs. Warren C. Davis, class president, is general chairman.

Committees follow: entertainment, Mrs. Richard Jenkins; publicity, Mrs. Arthur Morgan; program, Mrs. Barbara patrons, Miss Corinne Bone, Miss Gladys Delman, Miss Mary Gowka, Mrs. Ronald Smith, Mrs.

Geraldus Williams, Mrs. Robert George Budd; decorations, Mrs. Williams, Mrs. William Williams, Mrs. Handel Jenkins, Mrs.

William Arthur Nicholas and Mrs. Williams. Republican Woman Set Party for Tuesday A Christmas party will be held Tuesday 8 p. m. Reynolds 'St.

by the Woman's Republican Club, Sixth Ward, Taylor, and 22nd Ward, city. Mrs. Elizabeth Nichols, president, is general chairman, assisted by the officers, Mrs. Nora Williams, Mrs. Catherine Murray, Mrs.

-Mary Durkin and Mrs. Gertrude Ward. On the refreshment committee are Mrs. Sally Lord, Mrs. Marie Evans, Mrs.

Elizabeth Davis and Mrs. Dorothy Smith. Gifts will be exchanged. John Williamses Married 35 Years preparation for the special Christmas music to be given on Dec. 19.

The annual trustee election will be held on Monday evening in the Wesleyan room of the Sunday School Chapel. Terms of Dr. I. W. Severson, Frank F.

Jones and George W. Daniels expire. The Christmas party for the youth and junior department of the Church School is scheduled for Tuesday evening in the assembly room. Sam Tallo is general chairman. John Eaton will be in charge of the program.

Ruth Tallo will prepare for refreshments. The classes of Charles Peterson and Sam Tallo constitute the decorations committee, The Young People's Class will hold a Christmas party the sari Tomorrow will mark 35th wedding anniversary of the. and Mrs. John J. Williams, 1132 Luzerne St.

They will Hold a family dinner. The couple was married by the Rev. T. U. Thomas, Latter Day Saints Church.

They have three children, Mrs. Harry T. May, John J. and Dandel, at home, and two grandchildren, Joan Ellen May and John James Williams. Mr.

Williams has been employed at the Baker Colliery 31 years. SIMPSON NOTES Rehearsal for the senior choir Simpson Methodist Church, will be conducted tomorrow afternoon at 4 o'clock in the sanctuary in night at the parsonage. GRAHAM RITES The funeral of Michael Graham, 347 North Rebecca was held yesterday morning from the home of his daughter, Mrs. John Shaughnessy, address, with mass in St. Patrick's a Church.

The Rev. John Neary, Cleveland, Ohio, was celebrant; the Rev. Joseph McHugh, Dickson City, deacon, and the Rev. Joseph Shaughnessy, subdeacon. Interment, Cathedral Cemetery.

Pallbearers were: John Jennings, James Graham, Frank McHugh, Robert Graham, Michael Gallagher and Joseph Jennings. TO ATTEND SERVICE Girl Scouts of Troop 6, Jackson Street Baptist Church, will hold a special meeting tomorrow night at 6:45 o'clock at the church. They have been invited to attend the 7 o'clock evening service in the church at which two Boy Scouts will receive Eagle badges. SUBDUE GRASS FIRE Firemen attached to Hose 8 extin vished a grass fire in the 400 block of South Keyser Ave, last night, sermon, "It Our Compel, Be Hid," the Rev. Richard Billingsley preaching; 11:45, Church School; 6, sermon, "The Rev.

James G. Evans preaching; 7:15, Christian Endeavor meeting in observance of the 61st anniversary of Christian Endeavor in Pennsylvania; speaker, the Rev. Mr. devotions, Phyllis Kaeb; Scripture, Ann Sutton; soloist, Audrey Jean Jones. Simpson Methodist, the Rev.

J. N. White; 10, Church School; 11, worship, Bible Sunday observed; 4, Senior Choir rehearsal for special Christmas music; 7:30, Youth Fellowship, Youth rally at participating. Carbondale, Embury Methodist, the Rev. Arthur H.

Salin; 10:30,, sermon, "The Need of the Bible 11:45, Church School; 2:30, pageant rehearsal; 6, Youth 7, sermon, "The Victorious Life." Jackson Street Baptist, the Rev. Dr. B. L. C.

Baer; 10, sermon, "Pictures of the Christ of 11:30, Sunday School; 7, special service, awarding Eagle Scout badges to Charles Whiting and Jack Hoffman, by Col. Ezra H. Ripple Jr. Apostolic Church, John McKeown, pastor; 10:30, "The 7, "Ye Must!" Bethania Presbyterian, the Rev. Paul F.

Evans; 10:30, sermon, "The Book for the World," Universal Bible Sunday; 11:30, Church School, "Letters in the 6, sermon, "The Guiding Star." Christ Presbyterian, the Rev. J. Gordon McKenzie; 11, Church School; 6, sermon, "God Was in Christ." American Rescue Workers, 431 Seventh 2, Sunday School; 7:30, evening service, Capt. Albert J. Lloyd in charge.

First Baptist, the Rev. George M. Spence; 10:30, sermon," "The Universal observance of Bible Sunday; music, children's choir and church trio; 11:45, Sunday School; 6:30, Junior Youth Fellowship; 7:30, sermon, "The Sword of. the soloist, Marilyn Evans. DURKIN FUNERAL The funeral of Mrs.

Catherine Durkin, 1003 Luzerne was held yesterday morning from Durkan Funeral Home, North Main with mass in St. Patrick's Church. The Rev. James Mulholland was celebrant; Rev. William Egan, deacon; Rev.

Dr. James Lowry, subdeacon, and the Rev. Dr. McHugh, master of ceremonies. Interment, Cathedral Cemetery.

Pallbearers were: James Rush, Patrick Durkin, Eugene McAuliffe Robert McAuliffe, Martin Kennedy and Paul Kanavy. FORGIONE BURIAL The funeral of Peter Forgione, 1628 Farr was held yesterday morning with mass in St. Anthony's Church, Wood St. The Rev. Louis Pilati was celebrant; the Rev.

Thomas Tracy, deacon, and the Rev. subdeacon. Interment, Cathedral Cemetery. Pallbearers were: James, George, Luciano, Angelo, John and Raymond Forgione, nephews of Mr. Forgione.

SPORTSMEN TO MEET A business meeting of the West Side Sportsmen will be hled Monday at 8 p. m. at Casarella's Bar, 510 South Main Ave. Members will make ticket returns at this time. WEST SIDE JOTTINGS An open meeting of Scranton and Lackawanna Councils, Royal Arcanum, will be held in Jr.

OUAM Hall, 109 North Main Monday night. A program of entainment will be presented and refreshments served. Mrs. Matthew J. Spott, 524 North Garfield is ill at home.

Douglas Jay, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Jay, 328 South Hyde Park has enlisted in the Regular Army for a two-year term and is stationed with the 17th Airborne Division, Camp Pickett, Va, The third annual dance of the Dodge Boosters Association will be held Thursday night, Jan. 27, in American Legion Hall, 907 South Main Ave. Carol Xylander, 644.

North Rebecca a surgical patient at West Side Hospital. A special meeting of members and friends of First Welsh Baptist Church between 20 and 40 years of age has been called for Monday night at 8 o'clock at the church by the pastor, the Rev. Clayton R. Maud. Refreshments will be served.

Friendly Bible Class, Trinity Congregational Church, will hold a Christmas party Friday, Dec. 17, at the home of Mrs. John T. Jones, 632 North Main Ave. The Lend-A-Hand and Bible Class, Bethania Presbyterian Church, heid a Christmas dinner meeting last night at the home of Mrs.

Jessie Jenkins, 901 West Elm St. Reginald A. Williams, Correspondent. Leave items at Branch Office, 1105 Jackson St. Broken Right Hand Shelves Jake LaMotta NEW YORK, Dec.

10 (U.P) -Because of a fractured right hand, Jake LaMotta of the Bronx withdrew today from his scheduled 10-round bout with Robert Villemain, French middleweight, at Madison Square Garden Jan. 7. Matchmaker Nat Rogers will try to get another opponent for Villemain, who is scheduled to arrive from France Dec. 28. LaMotta injured the hand last Friday night while winning a decision over Tommy Yarosz of Monaca, at the Garden.

Too Late To Classify FOR SALE CALL SCRANTON 5312, HOUSEHOLD GOODS FOR SALE KITCHEN Sink fixtures with with Right Hand Drain. bath, Inquire: 1010 Wyoming Ave, Moosie, UNFURNISHED APARTMENT HILL SECTION-3-room apartment, with kitchenette, private bath, heat. hot water furnished. Not more than adults. Jan.

1. Write Box 1410 Care Tribune. WHITE Nylon Nurses Uniform with Central High School graduation ring in pocket, 1945. Finder Ph. 3-1590, Reward.

USED CAR FOR SALE 1947 BUICK 4-DOOR SEDAN SUPER. North End Lithuanian Club Auxiliary Group Meets Tomorrow The Ladies Auxiliary, Lithuanian Political Club, will hold its convention tomorrow night at the Kubelis home, Brick Ave. Delegates to the convention were named Thursday night at a meeting the clubrooms on last, Jackson St. Mrs. Mary Skrutski and Mrs.

Patsy Simms will attend by virtue of their offices in the unit. Delegates are: Mesdames Mary Karlauskas, Helen Nolis, Petronella Belinskas, Anna Lukenavich, Mary Stankevich, Amelia Pochis, Sophie Repshis, Ona Ulzolis and Barbara Bavedas. Installation of officers will take place Jan. 4. At the same time Mrs.

Mary Kuchiskas and Mrs. Anna Zimmer will be at a birthday party. Military Honors Mark PFC Morris Funeral The funeral of PFC Thomas Morris, formerly of 2037 Dorothy was held yesterday from the Davies Funeral Home, 135 South Main with the Rev. James G. Evans, Trinity Congregational Church, officiating.

Casket bearers, members of the Scranton Fire Department, were: William Morgan, Walter Goerlitz, Carl Neu, Patrick Durkin, Edward Scheller and Nat Duffy. Interment, Shady Lane Cemetery Chinchilla. Last Rites Conducted For PFC Erwin Micks The funeral of PFC Erwin Micks, 406 Charles was held yesterday from the family home wit services Immanuel Lutheran Church "by the Rev. Carl F. Wyppich.

Members of Gold Star Post, Veteran's of Foreign Wars, served as pallbearers and conducted graveside military rites. Interment, Evergreen Cemetery, Bell Mountain. SUNDAY SERVICES Services in North Scranton churches tomorrow will include: St. Paul's. Lutheran, the Rev.

Louis Wein: 9:30, sermon, "The School. Consolation of 10:45, Bible Gordon McKenzie: 9, divine worship, sermon, "God Was in Providence Presbyterian, the Rev. J. Gordon McKenzie: 10:45, divine worship, sermon, "God Was in 11:45, Sunday Church School. North Main Avenue Baptist, the Rev.

Kenneth, L. Stout: 10, divine worship; Bible, School; 6:30, Hour; 7:30, Singspiration and message. Providence Gospel Tabernacle, the Rev. Charles D. Weidemann: 10, morning worship, sermon, "In the 11:30, Sunday School; 6:15, Young People's meet; 7:30, evening evangelistic, sermon, "The Great Adversary." Puritan Congregational, the Rev.

James S. Henry: 10, worship, sermon, "Beckoning 11:15, Sunday School; 7, worship, sermon, "Requirements." Dr. Jones Memorial Congregational, the Rev. L. Clark French: 10, morning worship, sermon, "The Sustaining Power of Our 11:15, Church School; 11:30, Church School at the Mission; 7, evening service, sermon, "The Philippian Advisory Board Immanuel Lutheran, the Rev.

Carl F. Wyppich: 10, morning service, sermon, "Our Faith That Jesus Is The 11:10, Sunday School; 7:30, Christmas slide pageant entitled "The Gift of Love." St. John's Episcopal, the Rev. W. A.

Arlin: 9:30, morning prayer, sermon; 10:45, Sunday School. HULBERT FUNERAL The funeral of Mrs. Mary Hulbert, rear 2517 Hollister was held yesterday from Snowdon Funeral Home, 1810 Sanderson with the Rev. Edmund L. John, First Christian Church, officiating.

Pallbearers were: Paul Hulbert, Arthur Hulbert, Charles Hulbert, William Blackmore, Donald Blackledge and Francis McDonough. Interment, Shady Lane Cemetery. JEFFERSON P-TA MEETS The P-TA of Thomas Jefferson School (No. 25) met yesterday in school with Mrs. Ezra Short presiding.

musical program was presented by pupils of the sixth grade under the direction of Mrs. Marita Dean Wethers. Mothers present were presented with a gift and the Rev. Marvin K. Schell, pastor of Providence Methodist Church, delivered the Christmas message.

THIEF GETS CASH According to North Scranton Police Oscar Kline, 2219 Golden reported his home had been entered and $68 stolen from his wife's purse sometime between 11 p. m. and 7 a. m. Thursday.

Patrolman Myles Boyd investi- West Market Street Baptist, the Rev. Thomas H. Jones; 11, Sunday School; 6, Homecoming Sunday, special music, sermon, "The Man in the Dark." Providence Methodist, the Rev. Marvin K. Schell: morning worship, sermon, "The' Unspeakable 12:10, Church School; 8:15, Christmas Music Festival with Providence Community Youth Choir.

Christian, the Rev. Edmund L. John: 9:45, Bible School; 10:45, morning worship and Communion service; 6:30, Young People's meeting; 7:30, evening worship, Calvin Presbyterian, the Rev. J. gated.

SUPER. BICYCLE STOLEN According to police reports Mrs. Francis Hill, 310 Putnam said a bicycle, valued at $50, was stolen from her front yard sometime Thursday night between Dunmore Tribune Carrier Invests Earnings Robert Richardson, 14-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Richardson, 218 Church Dunmore, delivers papers on The Scranton 5 Tribune Route 9 in Dunmore.

His area takes in the 200, 300, 400 and 500 blocks of North Blakely St. He uses his earnings to purchase United States Savings Bonds. He has also started a Christmas Club R. Richardson with part of his earnings. While not having a favorite, hobby, Robert has an undying interest in all branches of sports.

Del Vecchio Named Willow Club Head Joseph "Al Jackson" Del Vecchio was elected president of the Willow Club at elections last night in the clubrooms. He succeeds Peter Germano, Others elected were: Joseph Dominick, vice-president; Gregory Bevelock, treasurer; Andrew Malia, financial secretary; Sandy Micciche, recording secretary; Leonard Rinaldi, trustee; James Martinelli, chaplain, and sergeant-at- August "Steve" Lawrence, arms. Officers will be installed on Sat-. urday night, Jan. 15, in the clubrooms.

John Clapps is general chairman of arrangements for the installation. SUNDAY SERVICES Services tomorrow in Dun more Stewart Milner, lay leaders. Second, Alden; Presbyterian, 9:45, the Church Rev. School; 11, sermon, "Finding Christmas." Tripp Avenue Christian; 10, worship, communion; guest speaker, the Rev. Joseph, M.

Woods "The Great Light; 11:20, church school. MISS HUNT BURIED The funeral of Miss Margaret Hunt, 1309 Monroe Dunmore, was held yesterday from Walsh Funeral Home, 715 Linden Scranton, with mass celebrated, Rev. in St. James Paul's McAuliffe. Church Msgr.

J. J. Vaughan was deacon and the Rev. Thomas Manley, subdeacon. Interment, Mount Carmel Cemetery.

Casket bearers were: Joseph Gilleran, Thomas Gilleran, John, Joseph and Thomas Hunt and Frank Quinn. ANGERSON FUNERAL The funeral of Mrs. Vicenza Angerson, 213 Terrace Dunmore, was held yesterday from the Albert P. Morell Funeral Home, 301 Chestnut Dunmore, with mass celebrated in St. Anthony's Church.

The Rev. William A. Crotti was deacon. The Rev. Frank D.

Cortese was deacon and the Rev. Leo M. Gardzalla, subdeacon. Interment, Mount Carmel Cernetery. Casketbearers were: Michael Angerson, Anthony Dominick Pennello, Philip, Daniel and Frank O'Arienzo.

John G. Frey; 10, sermon, "A Way of Escape;" music by the senior choir directed by Prof. John Evans and the chancel choir directed by Miss Betty Huber; bers of Church. Fellowship 11:15, School; 6:30, premi attend the district rally at Carbondale. First Presbyterian, the Rev.

Edward A. Dowey; 10:30, sermon, "Why Not Christmas Every Day?" William Rind Hughes will direct the choir Miss Jean Dornblazer will preside at the organ; 11:45, Church School Lucker, for all age groups, Gordon general superintendent. St. Mark's Episcopal, 10:45, morning, C. prayer B.

and Watrous sermon and E. in NAUGHTON RITES HELD The funeral of Dr. John Naughton, 1623 Clay Dunmore, prominent veterinarian, was held yesterday from the Albert P. O'Donnell Funeral Home, 2025 Green Ridge with mass celebrated in St. Mary's Church by the Rev.

James Sheridan. Interment, St. Catherine's Cemetery, Moscow. Casketbearers were: Victor Parizo, Orris Hidingenger, Dr. Robert Metzger, Dr.

George Strang, Dr. J. W. Ardell and Dr. Clyde L.

Kern. DEYKES FUNERAL The funeral of Mrs. Elizabeth Jane Deykes, was 111 Harper Dunmore, held yesterday afternoon from 427 Madison Scranton, with services by the Rev. E. L.

John, First Christian Church, North Scranton. Casket bearers were: George and Albert Deykes, Edward Keast, Deykes, Edward Deykes and John Sheavy. Interment, Dunmore Cemetery, CLUB TO MEET Members of the Naphin Hill Second Ward Citizens Club will meet at 7:30 o'clock Monday night in the clubrooms, Smith St. Plans will be made for an installation party. A general chairman and committee aides will be selected.

Leo L. Mecca will preside. Guy Valvano, Correspondent. Leave Items Knoepfel and Miller's, East Drinker or Phone 4-7221. KILLED BY AUTO KANE, Dec.

10 (P) Otto Lydic, 36, of Glen Campbell (Inas his an embankment diana County), was killed today on Route 219, nine miles north of Kane. and 12 o'clock. Patrolman Willard Getz investigated. Gene Coleman, Correspondent. Leave Items at Griffin Evan Drug Store or Phone 4-1221.

Ridge Seminary Student To Be Speaker at Sunday Service John Purdy, student at Princeton Theological Seminary, will be guest preacher at Suburban Presbyterian Church tomorrow. Mr. was born in Korea where parents were serving Purdy, under the Presbyterian Board of Foreign Missions. He is a graduate of Wooster College and a veteran of World War II. The Christmas celebration of the sacrament of Lord's Supper will be held at 7:30 o'clock tomorrow evening followed by a reception of new members into the church fellowship.

Members of the local chapter of the Knights of Malta and their wives will be guests during the services. Church to Hold White Service ister and chapel choirs. TO ATTEND SERVICE Asbury Methodist Church conduct a Christmas Carol White Gift Service tomorrow ning at 7:30 o'clock. The service will be under the direction Miss Harriet Price. is requested that those can will bring their gifts of and canned goods, wrapped white to the morning service.

SUNDAY SCHEDULE tomorrow will include; Services in id Green Ridge churches Suburban Presbyterian, the James B. Ollis; 10:30, Morning Worship, sermon, "We Would 11:35, Church School; 4, Westminster Fellowship; 6:30, Post-Hi meet; 7:30, Communion Service. Green Ridge Primitive Methodist, the Rev. Evan P. Thomas; 10:30 Morning Worship, sermon, "The Seed is The Sunday School; 7, Evening Worship, sermon, "When We Were Yet Without Strength." Asbury Methodist, the Rev, Samuel J.

Truscott; 10, Morning Worship, sermon, Think of 10, Nursery; 11:15, Church School; MYF practice; 6:45, MYF devotional service; 7:30, carol and white service. Gospel Tabernacle of the Christian and Missionary Alliance, Rev. Tracy C. Miller; 9:45, Bible School; 10:45, sermon, "Marks Youth's Service; 7, sermon, "Satan's Strategy Against Christ." Green Ridge Baptist, the Rev. Alpha M.

Finch; 10:30, Morning Worship; 11:55, Sunday School; 6:15, Senior and Junior BYF meetings; 7:30, Evening Service, sermon, "Truly Converted." Green Ridge Presbyterian, the Rev. Brewer L. Burnett; 9:45, Church School, all but beginners; 11, Morning Worship, sermon, "Whose Word Will You 11, nursery and kindergarten; Westminster Fellowship; 7, chor- Members and their families of Columbus Commandery 285, Knights of Malta, have been requested by William H. Gregg, third knight commander, to meet tomorrow at 7:30 p. m.

at Suburban Presbyterian Church where they will attend services. Gene Coleman, Correspondent. Leave items at Thompson's Drug Store or. Phone 4-7221. East End Lodge to Conduct Children's Party Farview Lodge, Knights of Pythias, will hold a Christmas praty for children of members on Wednesday night, Dec.

15, at 7:30 o'clock in the East Scranton Community Center. Candy, popcorn and other goodies will be distributed, to the children by Santa Claus. Fred Baer Jr. is general chairman of arrangements. Assisting him will be Harold Bennie, Edward Simpson Lloyd Pinnell, Ben Sammon, Stewart Milner and Henry Steuben.

The lodge went on record at a recent meeting to contribute to the East Scranton Community Tree party to be held Wednesday night, Dec. 22, in the Muhlenberg School yard. The party will be held for children of the neighborhood. Legion to Hold Benefit Party A benefit party to raise funds for needy purchasing families of Christmas East Scran- baskets ton. will be held at 9 o'clock tonight in the East Scranton Memorial Home, 1319 Ash St.

The party will be held by the members of East Scranton morial Post, American Legion and members of the Ladies Auxiliary. Dancing, will be enjoyed and refreshments will be served. Bertram W. Wenzel is general chairman of arrangements. James S.

Seamans is post commander. FILM PROGRAM PLANNED Ralph R. Haarmeyer, chairman of the entertainment committee, has arranged to obtain a special motion picture, to be shown following the business meeting of the East Scranton Association on Tuesday night at 8 o'clock in the East Scranton Memorial Home, 1319 Ash St. The film will be shown through the courtesy of Roy H. Huthmaker, a representative of the Standard Oil Co.

Officers will, be elected after the session. Following the meeting refreshments will be served by a committee comprising Mr. Haarmeyer, Willard Thomas and John Sullivan. Charles B. Greene will preside at the business session.

of SUNDAY SERVICES Services in East Scranton churches tomorrow follow: Myrtle Street Methodist, the Rev. Mark E. Kroehler; 9:30, Sunday School, Mrs. Hamlin's Class and Youth Division; 10:30, sermon, "The Promised DeIliverer;" 12, Sunday School, Chil- Taylor Guild to Sponsor Vesper Service The World Wide Guild will sponsor the 13th annual service at Calvary Baptist Church tomorrow. Candles will be lighted just before 3:30 p.

m. at time the organ recital will begin. This will be followed by prayer expressed through the media of the. violin and piano. Miss Arvilla Travis, dramatic I reader will present a one-act play, "The Cathedral Clock." The Trinity Choir of 50 voices will sing parts of cantatas from famous Christmas compositions.

Miss Ruth Reese will read "The Adaration." The Rev. Milton R. Kerr, paswill close the service with a J. Powell, church organist William and Christmas blessing. Mrs.

Prof. Arnold Lohman, violinist, will provide the music. Miss Eva Morgan will direct the choir. Ushers will include, Mrs. Hoyt Jones, Mrs.

Thomas William, Mrs. Alfred Coombs, Mrs. William MacArt and Miss Reba Griffith. Masons to Attend Evening Service who The Rev. Philip R.

Zink, pasfood tor of St. Paul's Evangelical and in Reformed Church, has announced that members of Acacia Lodge, Free and Accepted Masons, will attend the evening worship services tomorrow evening. SUNDAY SERVICES Immaculate Conception, the Rev. J. Cunningham; masses, 8:30 and 10:30.

St. Mary's Greek Catholic, the Rev. Basil Ornavosky; masses 8 and 10. St. John the Baptist, the Rev.

J. A. Ondovchak; masses, 8:30 and 10:30. St. George's Carpatho-Russian Church, the Rev.

M. B. Sisak; matins, holy liturgy, 9:45. Baptist Tabernacle, the Rev. E.

Carlton Dewey; Bible School, 10; morning worship, 11, sermon. "Look Out, Look Up, Look evening service 7:30, sermon, "Humanity Looking For The Last Calvary Baptist, the Rev. Milton R. Kerr; morning worship, 10, sermon, "The Ward of junior sermon, "Paying Our Debts." Sunday School, 11; vespers, 3:30. Primitive Methodist, Rev.

Daniel Davies; morning worship, 10:30, Sunday Schools, 11:30. Congregational, the Rev. Clifford V. Cross; morning worship, 10, sermon; Sunday School, 11; evening service, 6, sermon; Sernior Christian Endeavor following evening service. Welsh Baptist, the Rev.

David ing Morris; Sunday School, 10; mornworship, 11, sermon; evening service, 6, sermon. St. formed Paul's the Rev. Evangelical and Philip Zink; "Ashes morning From worship, 9:45, sermon, Men's Bible Class, the parsonage; Sunday School, evening service, 7, sermon "The Great Adventure." First Methodist, the Rev. H.

10, Ross Pinkney; "Book morning All worship, sermon, of Sunday School, 11; evening service, 7, sermon "What Now?" Church of God the Rev. A. E. Brown; morning worship, 10; sermon, "The Advent Sunday 7:30, School, sermon, 11; "The evening Invasion service, of Jesus' Fellowship, 6:30. REHEARSAL PLANNED Miss Helen E.

Daniels, superintendent of Congregational Church School, has announced that rehearsal for Christmas 'Music will be held after morning worship tomorrow. Christmas Trees For Sale 218 Church St. Free Delivery -Adv. TAYLOR BRIEFS: Daniel Williams, West Grove who has been ill for the past several days, has been admitted as medical patient at Taylor Hospital. His condition is given as guarded.

The condition of Mrs. Lew Evans, East Atherton who was a recent patient at Jefferson Hospital, Philadelphia, is reported as satisfactory. Miss Marion Baker has returned to Binghamton, N. after visiting Miss Betty Allin, East Grove St. Eli Gordon, South Main was a recent visitor in Philadelphia.

Paul Lisowski, Union is confined to his home by illness. Lloyd Evans, West Taylor is recovering from injuries, suffered in a recent mine accident. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Krupinski, Wilkes-Barre, visited relatives here yesterday.

Mr. and Mrs. John Francovitch and daughters, Doris and Evelyn, Riley have returned from Newark, N. where they were guests of relatives. Mrs.

Uriah Fatzinger, East Atherton has returned after a month's visit in Calitornia. Peter Schirano, North Main is a patient in West Side Hospital, Scranton. Mrs. Mame Walters, South Main has returned from Stroudsburg, where she visited friends and relatives. Judy and Linda Powell, Washington, D.

are visiting their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. John Powell, East Grove St. David Enderline, Davis Ct. is confined to his home by illness.

Mr. and Mrs. Norman Lanyon and daughter, Norma Jean, Johnson City, N. were recent guests of the former's sister and brother- dren and Adult Divisions; 6:30, Young People will meet at the MYF rally in Carbondale; 7:30, evening service, sermon, "There Shall Come A Star." Petersburg Presbyterian, the Rev. J.

Clewell Ottinger; 10:30, sermon, "All My Strings Are In Thee:" 12, Church School; 7, Westminster Fellowship. Guy Valvano, Correspondent. Leave Items at Charles Mayer's Bake Shop, 961 Prescott Ave. Or Phone 4-7221, Side Officers Elected By Women's Guild Mrs. Theresa Naeher was elected president of the Women's Guild of Trinity Evangelical Reformed Church at a recent meet- Program Listed For Hamilton P.TA Yule Fete Mrs.

Leon Robeson, chairman of the Christmas party to be held Tuesday at p. m. by the Alexander Hamilton (No. 19) ParentTeacher Association, last night announced that the for the affair has been completed. The party will be held at the school.

The Christmas pageant participants will be: carol, Margaret Stolin, Thomas Morgan, Evelyn Canterbury, Eileen Mayer, Mary Joan Morris, Fred Guest, Ann Lewis and George Eder; recitation, Bonnie Hopps; carol, the carclers; recitation, Gwendolyn Thomas; solo, Catherine Phillips; recitation, Diane James, Gail Burke, Carol Satterwaite, Marie Serino, Judith Rauner and Gail Eder; piano solo, Caroline RichAnn Lewis, George Thomas ards; solo, Joanne carol, Morgan, Fred Guest and the carolers; tap dance, Eleanor Mayer; solo, Evelyn Canterbury; recitaRuth carol, carolers; accompanist, Mrs. William Phillips. Mrs. Thomas Thomas is cochairman. Gifts will be exchanged and a held in charge of Mrs.

Peter and committee. Two-Week-Old Theft Of Mail Box Reported Mrs. Catherine Deninno, 113 Newton reported to West Side Police yesterday that a mail box was stolen from a post in front of her home two weeks ago. She said that the box had been damaged on several occasions before it was stolen. Patrolman Russell Jones investigated.

Transues Wed 42 Years Ago Mr. and Mrs. George F. Transue, 308. Caroline will observe their 42nd wedding anniversary tomorrow with a family dinner.

The couple was married by the Rev. J. Miller, St. John's Lutheran Church, Allentown. They have two children, George H.

Transue, this city, and Mrs. W. Bethlehem, and two grandchildren, Curtis Allen TranRonald B. Horley, Canteen Shuffleboard Tourney Continues The Charles Sumner Teen Age Canteen will be open tonight from 7:30 to 11 o'clock. Mr.

and Mrs. Willard Morgan will be the chaperones. Mrs. Frank Wiltshire will registrations. Mrs.

John Cernieglia and Mrs. John Mies will be in charge of the snack bar. Playoffs in the shuffleboard contest will be held each Wednesday and Saturday night during December. The following nominating committee has been named to select of officers: Paul Sweeney, Dorothy Arcure, Michael Kearney, Alex Rosewier and Sally Giles. Election will take place Wednesday night, Dec.

15. Medals Bestowed Mrs. Miriam DeHart Craven and daughter, Carol, 5, 414 North Eighth Vineland, N. have received World War II medals awarded posthumously to Mrs. Craven's late husband Lt.

William Craven, formerly of West Scranton. The lieutenant was killed in Italy March 8, 1945. Medals bestowed the Air Medal with two clusters, American Campaign, European-African-Middle Eastern Medals with three bronze stars, the Rome-Arno and North Apennine Medals, World War II Medal and Distinguished Unit emblem. I. Party at Sumner The Parent-Teacher Association, Charles Sumner (No.

18) School, will hold its Christmas party at the teen age center Thursday at 2 p. m. Gifts be exchanged and a social will follow. SUNDAY SERVICES Services tomorrow in West First Welsh Rev. Scranton churches followine Clayton R.

Maud; 10, sermon, "Praises in a Manger," third in a series on "The Four the following dedication: babies will be presented for Bonnie Lou Samuel, Sharon Lewis and Frank W. Jones III; 11:15, Sunday School; sound-color motion picture, "The Bells of 7:30, Baptist Youth Fellowship. Bethel Baptist, Robert Grossman, pastor; 10, sermon, "The Christians' Three-fold 11:15, Sunday School; 6, Junior Young People; 7, sermon, "Not by Power Might." St. David's Episcopal, the Rev. W.

Aubrey Arlin; 8, Holy Communion; 10:45, morning prayer and sermon; 12:15, Church School; 7:30, Young People's Fellowship. Ebenezer Presbyterian, the Rev. Dr. R. J.

Williams; 10, sermon, "Think on These 11:15, in the 6, sermon, "The Sunday School, subject, "Letters Divine and the Human in the Gospel." First Evangelical, the Rev. Louis C. F. Miller; 10, sermon, Bible School; sermon, "God "Tomorrow Is Too' 11:15, With Us." Trinity Congregational, 10:15, supervised nursery; 10:30, observlance of Universal Bible Sunday, Other officers elected are: Mrs. Minnie Schaeffer, vice-president; Mrs.

Frieda Davis, recording secretary; Mrs. Lillian Zurcher, financial secretary, and Mrs. Pauline Ressegue, treasurer. A covered dish luncheon was served following the meeting. Military Honors Mark S-Sgt.

Osborne Funeral tures. WILLIAMS FUNERAL The funeral of William J. Osborne, son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Osborne, 1701 South Webster a World War II casualty, was held yesterday morning from home with mass St.

John the Evangelist Church. The Rev. Leo Murphy was celebrant; the Rev. Martin A. Roche, deacon, and the Rev.

Joseph Griffin, subdeacon. Military services were conducted by Koch-Conley Post, American Legion, at the home and at the graveside in St. Catherine's Cemetery, Moscow. Members of the Ladies' Auxiliary to the post and Gold Star Mothers attended the rites. Members of the Legion who served as pallbearers.

are John Diamond, Charles Benedict, Martin Kelly, Thomas Jones, Joseph Morris and Ambrose Roche. SUNDAY SERVICES Hickory Baptist, the Rev. William Hallbauer; morning worship, 10, Bible Sunday sermon, "Bitter With the Sunday School and Bible study, Baptist Youth devotional meeting, preaching service, 7:30, sermon by the pastor, "He Doeth All Things Well." St. Paul's Methodist, the Rev. Arthur B.

Mayo; Quiet Time for Church School Workers, Sunday School, Upper Room service, morning worship, 10:30 with sermon, "The Book That Surmounts the Bible lecture, II Peter and I Joha Youth Church, 2:30 in the parsonage, "The Use and Abuse of Friendship." At 8:30, vesper service with the chancel choir presenting selected Christmas anthems, as well as carol singing by the congregation. Mrs. Kathryn Schumacher will present a real ing on the book by Dr. Lloyd C. Douglas, entitled "The Big Fisherman." Christ Evangelical Lutheran, the Rev.

Charles E. Brodell; 10:30, He That Should Come, or Do We service a and sermon on "Art Thou Look for 9:15, Church School; 7:30, vespers with the showing of the United Lutheran Church of America film. Bethany Baptist, the Rex. Tilton R. Kerr; 10, Sunday School; 11, worship; children's message, "Paying Our Debts." Message, "The Word of Promise." Trinity Evangelical and Reformed, the Rev.

Braynard E. Kurkowski; 10:45, worship' service, sermon, "The Book of All 7, worship service, sermon, "The Story of Our illustrated with projected pic- The funeral of Thomas Williams, 110 South Irving was held yesterday morning from the Hessinger Funeral Home, 723 Cedar with mass in the Church of the Nativity by the Rev. James McAndrew, celebrant the Rev. John Carroll, deacon. and the Rev.

Gerald McCabe, subdeacon. Pallbearers were: John Tighe, Harry Murray, Robert Melliand, Patrick Ruane, Robert Lenahan and Joseph O'Connor. Interment, Cathedral Cemetery, PAPER DRIVE POSTPONED St. Mary's Junior Catholic Daughters will not hold their waste paper drive tomorrow but will conduct it on Sunday, Dec. 19.

The homes of all the junior's, juniorettes and their friends will be canvassed, on that date. SOUTH SIDE BRIEFS The Scheller Social Club will elect officers at the annual meeting tomorrow afternoon at 3 o'clock in the rooms, 934 Beech St. Paul Refice was elected president of the Alberbellesie America Federation at a recent meeting in the hall, Genet St. John J. Demuth, Correspondent 709 Cedar Phone 4-3749 HOCKEY PLAYER FINED NEW YORK, Dec.

10 Maurice Podoloff of the American Hockey League today fined Arthur Lessard of the Butfalo. Bisons $100 and suspended him for two weeks for punching Referee Walt Russell during Wednesday night's game against Cleveland. Cleveland won the game, to 2. in-law, Mr. and Mrs.

Prosser Williams, South Main St. George Leber Pond has recovered from an illness. Miss Julia Kinel, Binghamton N. visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs.

John Kinel, Fox recently. Mr. and Mrs. A. Malecke, and family, have returned to New York City, after visiting Mr.

and Mrs. Joseph Fasiska, Center St. John Lutkowski, Sibley has recovered from an illness. John Muncie, Church has recovered from an illnes. Daniel Williams, West Grovel is ill at his home.

Miss Marian Gondelli, Fox has recovered from a recent illness. Miss Gertrude Francis, Correspondent. Phone 602 not than 4:30 p. m. Leave Items at Day's Confectionery 'Store, Union 61 We Have a Full Line of CANADIAN BALSAM CHRISTMAS TREES Also Scotch Pine Bundles of Pine Beachs fer Decoration.

W. G. GROSS 1510 Clay Ave, Dunmore-Ph. 4-3450.

The Tribune from Scranton, Pennsylvania (2024)


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