Academic Transcripts (2025)

  • What is a transcript?
  • How can I get a copy of my transcript?
  • When should I expect to receive my transcript?

What is a transcript?

A transcript is a summary of a student's academic performance and progress to date. It lists the modules taken during each academic year, and the marks obtained in each module. A transcript contains the following information:

  • Start date at the University
  • Programme of study
  • A list of modules that a student has taken to date, together with the credits studied and awarded, and the marks achieved (marks must be confirmed following a University Progress Board before they are displayed).
  • A list of modules that a student is currently taking (if still a student at the University of Birmingham on the same programme)
  • The institution(s) where the programme of study was, or is to be, delivered
  • Research thesis title (if applicable)
  • Qualification and final result achieved for the programme of study (if applicable)
  • Leaving and conferment date (if applicable)
  • From 2015/16 onwards, a range of extracurricular activities taken whilst at the University - please open the "Additional Awards on your transcript” section below for more information.

What will my transcript look like for 2019/20 academic year, during the Covid19 pandemic?

As stated in theUniversity of Birmingham Frameworks for Assessment and Progression for UG/PGT finalists, in determining how many credits a student has accumulated, for most programmes, partial modules will be accepted. This means that where a student has passed part – but not all – of the assessment components of a module, that will count as apro rataof the overall module credit value. For example, a student who has completed a piece of work worth 50% of a 20-credit module can therefore be said to have completed 10 credits towards the minimum credits threshold.

Therefore, we have made changes to the transcript to display the credits that have been awarded for a module:

  • Examples of how transcripts will look this year (PDF - 70KB)

Additional Awards on your transcript

The Additional Awards section of your transcript is designed to display relevant verified University- or Guild-led extra-curricular achievements completed during registration that complement a student’s academic achievements. The transcript can therefore act as one of several available tools to support you as you move into your next steps after your studies (e.g. employment or further study).

  • Activities that are included are broadly grouped into the following categories:
    • Scholarships, Awards and Prizes
    • UOB Sports Achievements
    • University or Guild Positions
    • Training and Development (e.g. University volunteering, school professional development, non-credit bearing modules and careers network placements.)
  • Student participation in these activities will be verified by the relevant sections of the University Professional Services or the Guild, confirmed on the University's central records system and it will appear on the transcript, unless a student has specifically requested for it to be omitted. All such activities undertaken from the 2015/16 academic year onwards have the potential to be included on the document, although some University activities may be acknowledged via other routes (e.g. The Birmingham Award). The transcript is intended to be a living document, updated through students' years of study.The list of activities currently included within the document will be subject to annual review, so there is the potential to include additional types of verifiable activities in the future, should they be deemed appropriate by the University.
  • For further information regarding your participation in Guild societies and how this will be recorded on your transcript, please visit theGuild of Students website.
  • If you would like to suggest an additional activity for consideration for inclusion on the transcript, please contact your School office.

How can I get a copy of my transcript?

If you are a current student

You will automatically receive a free copy of your transcript at graduation.

During your studies, you can use the Secure Documents website to view, download and share your electronic transcript, and to order hard copies. For detailed instructions, please see these articles:

  • How do I view and download degree documents?
  • How do I share my degree documents?
  • How do I order printed copies of my degree documents?

Transcripts are the only degree documents available during your studies - certificates are only available from graduation.

If you are a former student or Graduate

If your course commenced in 2002 or later, please visit the Secure Documents websiteto view, share and download the electronic version of your transcript, and to order hard copies For detailed instructions, please see these articles:

  • How do I view and download degree documents?
  • How do I share my degree documents?
  • How do I order printed copies of my degree documents?

If your course commenced before 2002, please order your transcript from the Online Shop using this link: Pre-2002 transcripts.

Special arrangements

  • If you studied Dentistry (BDS) and completed before 2015, please order your transcript from the School of Dentistry:BDS transcripts pre-2015(If you completed in 2015 or later, please follow the normal process above.)
  • If you studied Dental Hygiene and Therapy and commenced before 2018, please email theSchool of Dental Hygiene and Therapy: bchnt.sodht@nhs.netto obtain your transcript. (If you commenced in 2018 or later, please follow the normal process above.)
  • If you studied Low Intensity Psychological Interventions (Postgraduate Certificate), please email Birmingham and Solihull Mental Health NHS to obtain your transcript.
  • If you require a transcript for a Presessional English programme, and commenced before September 2020, please contact Birmingham International Academy, by emailing
  • If you studied Education (PGCE) and commenced before September 2003: We regret we are unable to produce transcripts for students who started their PGCE before September 2003, as detailed module information was unavailable before this time. We can produce an official statement confirming successful completion of the programme, but this will not include individual mark information. If you require one of these letters, please order using this link:Pre-2002 Proof of Study letters

If you are an Erasmus/exchange student

Taught Student Administration will arrange for a copy of your transcript to be sent to your home address. Please ensure that your home address details are up to date using Online Registration. If you have not received your transcript within 6 weeks of receiving your online results, please email Taught Student Administration:

If your home institution requires a copy of your transcript, pleaseuse theSecure Documents websiteto share your transcript with them. For full instructions, please see: How do I share my degree documents?

When should I expect to receive my transcript?

Following graduation

If you attend your Degree Congregation in person, you will be given a certificate and transcript during the ceremony. If you are unable to attend the Congregation in person, or your degree is conferred by Special Warrant, you will be given the opportunity to have your certificate and transcript posted to you.

For further information, please see:Graduation documents.

Following completion of a non-graduatable programme

A non-graduatable award is an award gained at the University of Birmingham on a programme which does not need to be conferred at a graduation ceremony. The award will include both your transcript and degree certificate.

These programmes can be at both undergraduate and postgraduate level and a list of these programmes includes:


  • Certificate of Higher Education
  • Diploma of Higher Education
  • University Certificate
  • University Diploma
  • Advanced Certificate


  • Postgraduate Certificate
  • Postgraduate Diploma
  • Postgraduate Diploma in Education (PG Dip Ed)
  • Graduate Certificate
  • Graduate Diploma

Following the Board of Examiners decision that you have successfully completed your programme, your School will update your record. Your award will then appear in Online Results on theStudent Gateway.

Taught Student Administrationwill then arrange for your certificate and transcript to be posted out to you. This normally takes 6-8 weeks from when your record has been updated.

If you have not received your certificate and transcript by this time, please

Academic Transcripts (2025)


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Name: Prof. An Powlowski

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Introduction: My name is Prof. An Powlowski, I am a charming, helpful, attractive, good, graceful, thoughtful, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.